Package org.voltdb.catalog

Examples of org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType$UnresolvedInfo

                    assertEquals(cset.toString(), 1, cset.size());
                    CatalogPair entry = cset.get(0);
                    // Get the element from the entry that is not our column
                    CatalogType other = entry.getOther(catalog_col);
                    if ((other instanceof Column) == false) continue;
                    Column other_col = (Column)other;
                    System.err.println(String.format("catalog_col=%s, other_tbl=%s, other_col=%s",
                                                     catalog_col.fullName(), other_tbl.fullName(), other_col.fullName()));
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        } else {
            param_map = (CatalogMap<? extends CatalogType>)((Statement)catalog_item).getParameters();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.params.length; i++) {
            CatalogType catalog_param = param_map.get(i);
            Object param_isarray = catalog_param.getField("isarray");
            if (param_isarray != null && (Boolean)param_isarray) {
                Class<?> type = params[i].getClass();
                Class<?> dataType = type.getComponentType();
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     * @param frag Catalog fragment to identify
     * @return unique id for fragment
    public static long getUniqueIdForFragment(PlanFragment frag) {
        long retval = 0;
        CatalogType parent = frag.getParent();
        retval = ((long) parent.getParent().getRelativeIndex()) << 32;
        retval += ((long) parent.getRelativeIndex()) << 16;
        retval += frag.getRelativeIndex();

        return retval;
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            int ctr = 0;
            for (int idxs[] : lookup_idxs) {
                T cur = (T) pair.get(idxs[0]);
                Class<?> cur_class = pair.get(idxs[0]).getClass();
                List<Class<?>> all_classes = ClassUtil.getSuperClasses(cur_class);
                CatalogType cur_value = (CatalogType) pair.get(idxs[1]);
                if (use_parent)
                    cur_value = cur_value.getParent();

                if (trace.val) {
                    LOG.trace("[" + ctr + "] cur: " + cur);
                    LOG.trace("[" + ctr + "] class: " + cur_class.equals(match_class) + " " + cur_class);
                    LOG.trace("[" + (ctr++) + "] cur_value: " + cur_value);
                if (cur_value != null && cur_value.equals(search_key) && all_classes.contains(match_class)) {
            } // FOR
        } // FOR
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        public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
            String ret = null;
            if (this.cset != null) {
                // FIXME
                //col = (col == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                CatalogType item = (CatalogType)this.cset.get(row).get(col);
                ret = CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(item, true);
            return (ret);
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                        // Look for predicates with StmtParameters or ConstantValues
                        for (Table catalog_tbl : frag_tables) {
                            Column catalog_col = null;
                            CatalogType catalog_param = null;
                            // *********************************** DEBUG ***********************************
                            if (trace.val) {
                                LOG.trace("Current Table: " + catalog_tbl.hashCode());
                                if (pair.getFirst() != null) {
                                    LOG.trace("entry.getFirst().getParent(): " + (pair.getFirst().getParent() != null ?
                                                    pair.getFirst().getParent().hashCode() :
                                                    pair.getFirst() + " parent is null?"));
                                    if (pair.getFirst().getParent() instanceof Table) {
                                        Table parent = pair.getFirst().getParent();
                                        if (parent.getName().equals(catalog_tbl.getName())) {
                                            assert(parent.equals(catalog_tbl)) :
                                                "Mismatch on " + parent.getName() + "???";
                                } else {
                                    LOG.trace("entry.getFirst():             " + null);
                                if (pair.getSecond() != null) {
                                    LOG.trace("entry.getSecond().getParent(): " + (pair.getSecond().getParent() != null ?
                                                  pair.getSecond().getParent().hashCode() :
                                                  pair.getSecond() + " parent is null?"));
                                } else {
                                    LOG.trace("entry.getSecond():             " + null);
                            // *********************************** DEBUG ***********************************

                            // Column = (StmtParameter or ConstantValue)
                            if (pair.getFirst().getParent() != null && pair.getFirst().getParent().equals(catalog_tbl) &&
                                    (pair.getSecond() instanceof StmtParameter || pair.getSecond() instanceof ConstantValue) ) {
                                catalog_col = (Column) pair.getFirst();
                                catalog_param = pair.getSecond();
                            // (StmtParameter or ConstantValue) = Column
                            else if (pair.getSecond().getParent() != null && pair.getSecond().getParent().equals(catalog_tbl) &&
                                    (pair.getFirst() instanceof StmtParameter || pair.getFirst() instanceof ConstantValue)) {
                                catalog_col = (Column) pair.getSecond();
                                catalog_param = pair.getFirst();
                            if (catalog_col != null && catalog_param != null) {
                                // If this table is a view, then we need to check whether
                                // we have to point the column down to the origin column
                                if (catalog_col.getMatviewsource() != null) {
                                    if (debug.val)
                                        LOG.debug("Found View Column: " + catalog_col.fullName() + " -> " + catalog_col.getMatviewsource().fullName());
                                    catalog_col = catalog_col.getMatviewsource();
                                if (trace.val)
                                    LOG.trace(String.format("[%s] Adding cache entry for %s: %s -> %s",
                                stmt_cache.put(catalog_col, catalog_param, pair.getComparisonExp(), catalog_tbl);
                                frag_cache.put(catalog_col, catalog_param, pair.getComparisonExp(), catalog_tbl);
                        } // FOR (tables)
                        if (trace.val)
                    } // FOR (entry)

                    // We now have to take a second pass through the column mappings
                    // This will pick-up those columns that are joined together where one of them
                    // is also referenced with an input parameter. So we will map the input
                    // parameter to the second column as well

                    for (Column catalog_col : column_joins.keySet()) {
                        // Otherwise, we have to examine the the ColumnSet and
                        // look for any reference to this column
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace("Trying to find all references to " + CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(catalog_col));
                        for (Column other_col : column_joins.get(catalog_col)) {
                            // IMPORTANT: If the other entry is a column from another table and we don't
                            // have a reference in stmt_cache for ourselves, then we can look to see if
                            // this guy was used against a StmtParameter some where else in the Statement
                            // If this is the case, then we can substitute that mofo in it's place
                            if (stmt_cache.predicates.containsKey(catalog_col)) {
                                for (Pair<ExpressionType, CatalogType> pair : stmt_cache.predicates.get(catalog_col)) {
                                    if (trace.val)
                                        LOG.trace(String.format("Linking %s to predicate %s because of %s",
                                                  other_col.fullName(), pair, catalog_col.fullName()));
                                    ExpressionType expType = pair.getFirst();
                                    CatalogType param = pair.getSecond();
                                    stmt_cache.put(other_col, param, expType, (Table)other_col.getParent());
                                    frag_cache.put(other_col, param, expType, (Table)other_col.getParent());
                                } // FOR (StmtParameter.Index)
                        } // FOR (Column)
                    } // FOR (Column)
                if (trace.val)

                // Loop through all of our tables and make sure that there is an entry in the PlanFragment CacheEntrry
                // If there isn't, then that means there was no predicate on the table and therefore the PlanFragment
                // must be broadcast to all partitions (unless it is replicated)
                for (Table catalog_tbl : frag_tables) {
                    if (!frag_cache.hasTable(catalog_tbl)) {
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace(String.format("No column predicate for %s. Marking as broadcast for %s: %s",
                                      catalog_tbl.fullName(), catalog_frag.fullName(), frag_cache.getTables()));
                } // FOR

                // Store the Fragment cache and update the Table xref mapping
                this.cache_fragmentEntries.put(frag_key, frag_cache);
                this.addTableCacheXref(frag_cache, frag_tables);
            } // FOR (fragment)

            // Then for updates we need to look to see whether they are updating an attribute
            // that they are partitioned on. If so, then it gets dicey because we need to
            // know the value...
            if (stmt_type == QueryType.UPDATE) {
                List<Table> tables = new ArrayList<Table>();
                PredicatePairs update_cset = new PredicatePairs();
                for (Table catalog_tbl : CatalogUtil.getReferencedTables(catalog_stmt)) {
                    AbstractPlanNode root_node = PlanNodeUtil.getRootPlanNodeForStatement(catalog_stmt, true);
                    CatalogUtil.extractUpdatePredicates(catalog_stmt, catalogContext.database, update_cset, root_node, true, tables);

                    boolean found = false;
                    for (CatalogPair pair : update_cset) {
                        Column catalog_col = null;
                        CatalogType catalog_param = null;

                        // For now we only care up look-ups using StmtParameters or ConstantValues
                        if (pair.getFirst() instanceof StmtParameter || pair.getFirst() instanceof ConstantValue) {
                            catalog_col = (Column) pair.getSecond();
                            catalog_param = pair.getFirst();
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        // Note that we have to go through all of the mappings from the partitioning column
        // to parameters. This can occur when the partitioning column is referenced multiple times
        // This allows us to handle complex WHERE clauses and what not.
        for (Pair<ExpressionType, CatalogType> pair : predicates) {
            ExpressionType expType = pair.getFirst();
            CatalogType param = pair.getSecond();
            // HACK HACK HACK
            // If this is not an equality comparison, then it has to go to all partitions.
            // If we ever want to support smarter range partitioning, then
            // we will need to move the logic that examines the expression type into
            // the hasher code.
            if (expType != ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL) {
            // This is the common case
            if (param instanceof StmtParameter) {
                int param_idx = ((StmtParameter)param).getIndex();
                // IMPORTANT: Check if the parameter is an array. If it is, then we
                // have to loop through and get the hash of all of the values
                if (is_array[param_idx]) {
                    int num_elements = Array.getLength(params[param_idx]);
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s is an array. Calculating multiple partitions", param));
                    for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
                        Object value = Array.get(params[param_idx], i);
                        int partition_id = this.hasher.hash(value, catalog_col);
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace(String.format("%s HASHING PARAM ARRAY[%d][%d]: %s -> %d",
                                  catalog_col.fullName(), param_idx, i, value, partition_id));
                    } // FOR
                // Primitive Value
                else {
                    int partition_id = this.hasher.hash(params[param_idx], catalog_col);
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s HASHING PARAM [%d]: %s -> %d",
                                  catalog_col.fullName(), param_idx, params[param_idx], partition_id));
            // CONSTANT VALUE
            // This is more rare
            else if (param instanceof ConstantValue) {
                ConstantValue const_param = (ConstantValue)param;
                VoltType vtype = VoltType.get(const_param.getType());
                Object const_value = VoltTypeUtil.getObjectFromString(vtype, const_param.getValue());
                int partition_id = this.hasher.hash(const_value);
            // BUSTED!
            else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected parameter type: " + param.fullName());
        } // FOR
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        assert (this.attributes.isEmpty() == false);
        assert (new HashSet<T>(this.attributes).size() == this.attributes.size()) :
            "Duplicate Attributes: " + this.attributes;

        CatalogType last_parent = null;
        for (T c : this.attributes) {
            if (last_parent != null)
                assert (c.getParent().equals(last_parent)) :
                    "Catalog items do not have the same parent: " + CatalogUtil.debug(this.attributes);
            last_parent = c.getParent();
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        private Map<CatalogType, CatalogType> buildCatalogMap(Database catalog_db, Map<CatalogType, CatalogType> map) {
            if (this.parent != null)
                this.parent.buildCatalogMap(catalog_db, map);
            if (this.depth > 0) {
                CatalogType key = null;
                CatalogType val = null;

                if (this.is_table) {
                    key = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, this.catalog_key, Table.class);
                    val = CatalogKey.getFromKey(catalog_db, this.partition_key, Column.class);
                } else {
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         * @param idx
         * @throws Exception
        protected void traverse(final StateVertex parent, final int idx) throws Exception {
            assert (idx < this.num_elements && idx >= 0);
            final CatalogType current = this.all_search_elements.get(idx);
            assert (current != null);
            final String current_key = this.all_search_keys.get(idx);

            final boolean is_table = (idx < this.num_tables);
            // Are we the last element in the list, thereby creating a complete
            // solution
            final boolean complete_solution = (idx + 1 == this.num_elements);
            if (is_table)
                assert (current instanceof Table);
            final String spacer = BranchAndBoundPartitioner.TRAVERSAL_SPACERS.get(idx);

            if (this.halt_search == false) {
                assert (this.halt_reason == null);
                if (hints.limit_back_tracks != null && hints.limit_back_tracks >= 0 && this.backtrack_ctr > hints.limit_back_tracks) {
          "Hit back track limit. Halting search [" + this.backtrack_ctr + "]");
                    this.halt_search = true;
                    this.halt_reason = HaltReason.BACKTRACK_LIMIT;
                } else if (this.halt_time != null && System.currentTimeMillis() >= this.halt_time) {
          "Hit time limit. Halting search [" + this.backtrack_ctr + "]");
                    this.halt_search = true;
                    this.halt_reason = (this.halt_time_local ? HaltReason.LOCAL_TIME_LIMIT : HaltReason.GLOBAL_TIME_LIMIT);
            } else

            // Get the list of possible attributes that we could use for this
            // current element
            Collection<CatalogType> current_attributes = null;
            try {
                current_attributes = this.cp.getCandidateValues(current, CatalogType.class);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get candidate attributes for " + current, ex);
            final int num_attributes = current_attributes.size();
            assert (current_attributes != null);
            if (trace.val) {
                Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                m.put("Traversal Level", traverse_ctr);
                m.put("Item Index", idx);
                m.put("Current", current);
                m.put("Attributes", String.format("COUNT=%d\n%s", num_attributes, StringUtil.join("\n", CatalogUtil.getDisplayNames(current_attributes))));

            // Keep track of whether we have a VerticalPartitionColumn that
            // needs to be
            // reset after each round
            VerticalPartitionColumn vp_col = null;

            // Get our workload filter for this level of the traversal
            Filter filter = BranchAndBoundPartitioner.this.traversal_filters.get(current);

            // Descendant tables used for memory calculations
            // It's ok for it to be empty. That means we're searching against
            // all of tables
            Set<Table> current_previousTables = this.previous_tables[idx];
            assert (current_previousTables != null) : String.format("No previous tables at index %d? [current=%s, num_tables=%d]", idx, current, num_tables);

            // The local best vertex is the best vertex for this level in the
            // traversal
            StateVertex local_best_vertex = null;

            // Just make sure that if we have a VerticalPartitionColumn in our
            // list of
            // current attributes that it's optimizations are not applied
            // If they are, then we can disable them
            for (CatalogType attribute : current_attributes) {
                if (attribute instanceof VerticalPartitionColumn && ((VerticalPartitionColumn) attribute).isUpdateApplied()) {
                    ((VerticalPartitionColumn) attribute).revertUpdate();
            } // FOR

            // Iterate through the columns and find the one with the best cost
            int attribute_ctr = 0;
            for (CatalogType attribute : current_attributes) {
                assert (attribute != null) : "Null attribute key for " + current + ": " + current_attributes;
                String attribute_key = CatalogKey.createKey(attribute);
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace("Evaluating " + attribute.fullName());
                boolean memory_exceeded = false;
                Long memory = null;
                CatalogType current_attribute = null;

                // Is this the last element we have to look at
                boolean last_attribute = (++attribute_ctr == num_attributes);

                // Dynamic Debugging

                // IMPORTANT: We have to invalidate the cache for the current
                // element *AND* all those levels
                // below us in the search tree!
                if (this.cost_model.isCachingEnabled()) {
                    for (int i = idx; i < this.num_elements; i++) {
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace("Invalidating " + this.all_search_keys.get(i));
                    } // FOR
                    // If we're not using caching, then just clear out the cost
                    // model completely
                } else {

                // ----------------------------------------------
                // TABLE PARTITIONING KEY
                // ----------------------------------------------
                if (is_table) {
                    Table current_tbl = (Table) current;
                    Column search_col = (Column) attribute;
                    Column current_col = null;

                    // Check whether this is our replication marker column
                    if (search_col instanceof ReplicatedColumn) {
                        current_col = ReplicatedColumn.get(current_tbl);
                    // VerticalPartitionColumn
                    else if (search_col instanceof VerticalPartitionColumn) {
                        // We need to update the statements that can use them
                        // using the pre-compiled query plans
                        current_col = search_col;
                        vp_col = (VerticalPartitionColumn) search_col;
                        assert (CatalogUtil.getDatabase(vp_col).equals(info.catalogContext.database)) : String.format("VP_COL[%d] != INFO[%d]", CatalogUtil.getDatabase(vp_col).hashCode(),

                        MaterializedViewInfo catalog_view = vp_col.applyUpdate();
                        assert (catalog_view != null) : "Unexpected null MaterializedViewInfo for " + current_tbl + " vertical partition:\n" + vp_col;
                        if (this.cost_model.isCachingEnabled()) {
                            if (trace.val)
                                LOG.trace("Invalidating VerticalPartition Statements in cost model: " + vp_col.getOptimizedQueries());
                        TableStatistics tstats = VerticalPartitionerUtil.computeTableStatistics(vp_col, info.stats);
                        assert (tstats != null);
                        // Add the vp's sys table to the list of tables that we
                        // need to estimate the memory
                        assert (catalog_view.getDest() != null) : "Missing parent table for " + catalog_view.fullName();
                        assert (this.current_vertical_partitions.contains(catalog_view.getDest()) == false) : vp_col;
                    // MultiColumn
                    else if (search_col instanceof MultiColumn) {
                        // Nothing special?
                        current_col = search_col;
                    // Otherwise partition on this particular column
                    else {
                        current_col = current_tbl.getColumns().get(search_col.getName());

                    // We should always have a horizontal partition column
                    assert (current_col != null);
                    assert (current_col.getName().equals(current_tbl.getPartitioncolumn().getName())) : "Unexpected " + current_col.fullName() + " != " + current_tbl.getPartitioncolumn().fullName();

                    // Estimate memory size
                    Collection<Table> tablesToEstimate = null;
                    if (hints.enable_vertical_partitioning && this.current_vertical_partitions.isEmpty() == false) {
                        tablesToEstimate = CollectionUtils.union(current_previousTables, this.current_vertical_partitions);
                    } else {
                        tablesToEstimate = current_previousTables;
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("Calculating memory size of current solution [%s]:\n%s", current_col.fullName(), StringUtil.join("\n", current_previousTables)));
                    try {
                        memory = this.memory_estimator.estimate(info.catalogContext.database, info.getNumPartitions(), tablesToEstimate);
                    } catch (Throwable ex) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to estimate memory using new attribute " + current_col.fullName(), ex);
                    memory_exceeded = (memory > this.hints.max_memory_per_partition);
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s Memory: %s [ratio=%.2f, exceeded=%s]", current_col.fullName(), StringUtil.formatSize(memory), memory / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition,
                    current_attribute = current_col;

                    // ----------------------------------------------
                    // ----------------------------------------------
                } else {
                    Procedure current_proc = (Procedure) current;
                    ProcParameter current_proc_param = (ProcParameter) attribute;
                    assert (current_proc_param != null);
                    memory = parent.memory;
                    current_attribute = current_proc_param;

                // ----------------------------------------------
                // COST ESTIMATION
                // ----------------------------------------------
                Double cost = null;
                Double singlep_txns = null;
                // Don't estimate the cost if it doesn't fit
                if (!memory_exceeded) {
                    cost = this.cost_model.estimateWorkloadCost(info.catalogContext, info.workload, filter, best_vertex.cost);
                    singlep_txns = this.cost_model.getSinglePartitionProcedureHistogram().getSampleCount() / (double) this.cost_model.getProcedureHistogram().getSampleCount();
                } else {
                    cost = Double.MAX_VALUE;

                StateVertex state = new StateVertex(parent, current_key, attribute_key, is_table, cost, singlep_txns, memory);
                if (debug.val)
                    state.debug = cost_model.debugHistograms(info.catalogContext);
                // if (!this.graph.containsVertex(parent))
                // this.graph.addVertex(parent);
                // this.graph.addEdge(new StateEdge(), parent, state,
                // EdgeType.DIRECTED);

                if (local_best_vertex == null || local_best_vertex.cost > state.cost)
                    local_best_vertex = state;
                assert (local_best_vertex != null);

                // ----------------------------------------------
                // DEBUG OUTPUT
                // ----------------------------------------------
                // state.debug = this.cost_model.getLastDebugMessage();
      , CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(current_attribute, false), spacer, memory_exceeded));

                // ----------------------------------------------
                // ANALYSIS
                // ----------------------------------------------
                if (memory_exceeded) {
                    if (debug.val)
                        LOG.debug("Memory exceeeded! Skipping solution!");
                    if (vp_col != null) {
                        vp_col = null;

                // The cost of our parent can never be greater than our cost
                if (!parent.isStartVertex()) {
                    boolean is_valid = MathUtil.greaterThanEquals(cost.floatValue(), parent.cost.floatValue(), 0.001f);

                    if (!is_valid) { // && debug.get()) {
                        Map<String, Object> m0 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                        m0.put("Parent State", parent.toString());
                        m0.put("Parent CostModel", parent.debug);
                        m0.put("Parent Catalog", createPartitionPlan(hints, parent, false, false));

                        Map<String, Object> m1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                        m1.put("Current Attribute", current_attribute.fullName());
                        m1.put("Current State", state.toString());
                        m1.put("Current CostModel", cost_model.debugHistograms(info.catalogContext));
                        m1.put("Current Catalog", createPartitionPlan(hints, state, false, false));

                        LOG.error("CURRENT COST IS GREATER THAN CURRENT COST! THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(m0, m1));
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType$UnresolvedInfo

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