"Parameters" (not this class) are columns in a database that this app is working with, and are used to create the axis of the images produced by this app. More specifically, they are used to determine the location of each pixel in an image, which is associated with one row in the database or one datapoint of a set. See javadoc in {@link com.visitrend.ndvis.model.DataInfo com.visitrend.ndvis.model.DataInfo}for more info.
This is a GUI that allows the user to change the order of parameters and what parameters are no what axis. It holds state on parameters like their current order and how many are assigned to each axis. Anything changing the order of parameters or how many are on each axis should do it through here (so that other relevant classes can update themselves as necessary). This can also display the values for parameters (currently in a one row com.visitrend.ndvis.table, though you can implement this however you want). For instance, this works with {@link com.visitrend.ndvis.gui.ParametersController com.visitrend.ndvis.gui.ParametersController}to show the parameter values associated with each pixel of an image as the user mouses over them.
The parameters order and values are displayed in a JTable. Reading the parameters left to right in the com.visitrend.ndvis.table, the 0th through the numParametersOnX are the parameters on the X axis (and the rest are on Y). Its important to note that in Java's TableModel, the values and indexes into its data do not change order even though the gui JTable may change the order of the columns by TableColumnModel's move(int oldIndex, int newIndex) method or the user dragging columns about. The methods in this class account for that.