//DJB: changed for geoserver_data_dir
// File rootDir = new File(sc.getRealPath("/"));
File rootDir = GeoserverDataDirectory.getGeoserverDataDirectory(sc);
XMLConfigReader configReader;
try {
configReader = new XMLConfigReader(rootDir,sc);
} catch (ConfigurationException configException) {
return mapping.findForward("welcome");
//throw new ServletException( configException );
if (configReader.isInitialized()) {
// These are on separate lines so we can tell with the
// stack trace/debugger where things go wrong
wmsDTO = configReader.getWms();
wfsDTO = configReader.getWfs();
geoserverDTO = configReader.getGeoServer();
dataDTO = configReader.getData();
} else {
"Config Reader not initialized for LoadXMLAction.execute().");
return mapping.findForward("welcome");