
Examples of

        // - if we fail to aquire all the locks we will need to fail and
        //   itterate through the the FeatureSources to release the locks
        WFS wfs = request.getWFS();
        GeoServer config = wfs.getGeoServer();
        Data catalog = wfs.getData();
        FeatureTypeInfo meta = null;
        NameSpaceInfo namespace;
        Query query;

        FeatureSource source;
        Feature feature;
        String fid;
        FilterFactory filterFactory = FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory();
        FidFilter fidFilter;

        try {
            for (Iterator it = request.getQueries().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                query = (Query);

                // the feature type name used in the content disposition response will match
                // the first feature type
                if (featureTypeName == null) {
                    featureTypeName = query.getTypeName();

                meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(query.getTypeName());
                namespace = meta.getDataStoreInfo().getNameSpace();
                source = meta.getFeatureSource();

                List attrs = meta.getAttributes();
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    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            UserContainer user, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        // WFS is only used to aquire the GeoServer
        Data data = getWFS(request).getData();
        int count = data.lockReleaseAll();
        // Provide status message
        ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
        errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("message.freeLocks",new Integer(count)));       
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        FeatureLock fLock = request.toFeatureLock();
        Set lockedFids = new HashSet();
        Set lockFailedFids = new HashSet();
        GeoServer config = request.getGeoServer();
        Data catalog = request.getWFS().getData();
        FilterFactory filterFactory = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory();"locks size is " + locks.size());

        if (locks.size() == 0) {
            throw new WfsException("Lock Request must contain at least one "
                + " Lock element, your request is " + request);

        for (int i = 0, n = locks.size(); i < n; i++) {
            curLock = (LockRequest.Lock) locks.get(i);
  "curLock is " + curLock);

            String curTypeName = curLock.getFeatureType();
            Filter curFilter = curLock.getFilter();

            FeatureTypeInfo meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(curTypeName);
            NameSpaceInfo namespace = meta.getDataStoreInfo().getNameSpace();
            FeatureSource source = meta.getFeatureSource();
            FeatureResults features = source.getFeatures(curFilter);

            if( source instanceof FeatureLocking){
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        if (featureLock == null) {
            return; // we have no locks

        Data catalog = gs.getData();

        // I think we need to release and fail when lockAll fails
        try {
            GeoServer config = gs.getGeoServer();

            for (Iterator i = request.getLocks().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                LockRequest.Lock curLock = (LockRequest.Lock);

                String curTypeName = curLock.getFeatureType();

                FeatureTypeInfo meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(curTypeName);
                FeatureLocking source = (FeatureLocking) meta.getFeatureSource();

                Transaction t = new DefaultTransaction();

                try {
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        // And allways remember to release locks if we are failing:
        // - if we fail to aquire all the locks we will need to fail and
        //   itterate through the the FeatureSources to release the locks
        GeoServer config = request.getWFS().getGeoServer();
        Data catalog = request.getWFS().getData();
        FeatureTypeInfo meta = null;
        NameSpaceInfo namespace;
        Query query;
        int maxFeatures = request.getMaxFeatures();
        int serverMaxFeatures = config.getMaxFeatures();

        if (maxFeatures > serverMaxFeatures) {
            maxFeatures = serverMaxFeatures;

        Set lockedFids = new HashSet();
        Set lockFailedFids = new HashSet();

        FeatureSource source;
        Feature feature;
        String fid;
        FilterFactory filterFactory = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory();
        FidFilter fidFilter;
        int numberLocked;

        try {
            for (Iterator it = request.getQueries().iterator();
                    it.hasNext() && (maxFeatures > 0);) {
                query = (Query);
                meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(query.getTypeName());
                namespace = meta.getDataStoreInfo().getNameSpace();
                source = meta.getFeatureSource();

                List attrs = meta.getAttributes();
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        if (featureLock == null) {
            return; // we have no locks

        Data catalog = gs.getData();

        // I think we need to release and fail when lockAll fails
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        throws ServiceException, WfsException {
        request = transactionRequest; // preserved toWrite() handle access
        transaction = new DefaultTransaction();
        LOGGER.fine("request is " + request);

        Data catalog = transactionRequest.getWFS().getData();

        WfsTransResponse build = new WfsTransResponse(WfsTransResponse.SUCCESS,

        // We are going to preprocess our elements,
        // gathering all the FeatureSources we need
        // Map of required FeatureStores by typeName
        Map stores = new HashMap();
        // Map of required FeatureStores by typeRef (dataStoreId:typeName)
        // (This will be added to the contents are harmed)
        Map stores2= new HashMap();

        // Gather FeatureStores required by Transaction Elements
        // and configure them with our transaction
        // (I am using element rather than transaction sub request
        // to agree with the spec docs)
        for (int i = 0; i < request.getSubRequestSize(); i++) {
            SubTransactionRequest element = request.getSubRequest(i);

            String typeRef = null;
            String elementName = null;
            FeatureTypeInfo meta = null;
            if (element instanceof InsertRequest) {
                // Option 1: Guess FeatureStore based on insert request
                Feature feature = ((InsertRequest) element).getFeatures()
                if (feature != null) {
                    String name = feature.getFeatureType().getTypeName();
                    URI uri = feature.getFeatureType().getNamespace();
                    LOGGER.fine("Locating FeatureSource uri:'"+uri+"' name:'"+name+"'");                                      
                    meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(name, uri==null?null:uri.toString())//change suggested by DZweirs
                    //HACK: The insert request does not get the correct typename,
                    //as we can no longer hack in the prefix since we are using the
                    //real featureType.  So this is the only good place to do the
                    //look-up for the internal typename to use.  We should probably
                    //rethink our use of prefixed internal typenames (cdf:bc_roads),
                    //and have our requests actually use a type uri and type name.
                    //Internally we can keep the prefixes, but if we do that then
                    //this will be less hacky and we'll also be able to read in xml
                    //for real, since the prefix should refer to the uri.
                    // JG:
                    // Transalation Insert does not have a clue about prefix - this provides the clue
                    element.setTypeName( meta.getNameSpace().getPrefix()+":"+meta.getTypeName() );
                else {
                    LOGGER.finer("Insert was empty - does not need a FeatuerSoruce");
                  continue; // insert is actually empty
            else {
                // Option 2: lookup based on elmentName (assume prefix:typeName)
                typeRef = null; // unknown at this time
                elementName = element.getTypeName();
                if( stores.containsKey( elementName )) {
                    LOGGER.finer("FeatureSource '"+elementName+"' already loaded." );
                LOGGER.fine("Locating FeatureSource '"+elementName+"'...");               
                meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(elementName);
                element.setTypeName( meta.getNameSpace().getPrefix()+":"+meta.getTypeName() );               
            typeRef = meta.getDataStoreInfo().getId()+":"+meta.getTypeName();
            elementName = meta.getNameSpace().getPrefix()+":"+meta.getTypeName();
            LOGGER.fine("located FeatureType w/ typeRef '"+typeRef+"' and elementName '"+elementName+"'" );                         
            if (stores.containsKey(elementName)) {
                // typeName already loaded
            try {
                FeatureSource source = meta.getFeatureSource();
                if (source instanceof FeatureStore) {
                    FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) source;
                    stores.put( elementName, source );
                    stores2.put( typeRef, source );
                } else {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(elementName
                        + " is read-only", element.getHandle(),
            } catch (IOException ioException) {
                throw new WfsTransactionException(elementName
                    + " is not available:" + ioException,
                    element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());

        // provide authorization for transaction
        String authorizationID = request.getLockId();

        if (authorizationID != null) {
            if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_LOCKING) == 0) {
                // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                throw new ServiceException("Lock support is not enabled");
            LOGGER.finer("got lockId: " + authorizationID);

            if (!catalog.lockExists(authorizationID)) {
                String mesg = "Attempting to use a lockID that does not exist"
                    + ", it has either expired or was entered wrong.";
                throw new WfsException(mesg);

            try {
            } catch (IOException ioException) {
                // This is a real failure - not associated with a element
                throw new WfsException("Authorization ID '" + authorizationID
                    + "' not useable", ioException);

        // execute elements in order,
        // recording results as we go
        // I will need to record the damaged area for
        // pre commit validation checks
        Envelope envelope = new Envelope();

        for (int i = 0; i < request.getSubRequestSize(); i++) {
            SubTransactionRequest element = request.getSubRequest(i);
            // We expect element name to be of the format prefix:typeName
            // We take care to force the insert element to have this format above.
            String elementName = element.getTypeName();
            String handle = element.getHandle();
            FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) stores.get(elementName);
            if( store == null ){
              throw new ServiceException( "Could not locate FeatureStore for '"+elementName+"'" );                       
            String typeName = store.getSchema().getTypeName();
            if (element instanceof DeleteRequest) {
                if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_DELETE) == 0) {
                    // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                    throw new ServiceException(
                        "Transaction Delete support is not enabled");
                DeleteRequest delete = (DeleteRequest) element;
                //do a check for Filter.NONE, the spec specifically does not
                // allow this
                if (delete.getFilter() == Filter.NONE) {
                  throw new ServiceException(
                  "Filter must be supplied for Transaction Delete"
                LOGGER.finer( "Transaction Delete:"+element );
                try {
                    Filter filter = delete.getFilter();

                    Envelope damaged = store.getBounds(new DefaultQuery(
                                delete.getTypeName(), filter));

                    if (damaged == null) {
                        damaged = store.getFeatures(filter).getBounds();

                    if ((request.getLockId() != null)
                            && store instanceof FeatureLocking
                            && (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME)) {
                        FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking) store;

                        // TODO: Revisit Lock/Delete interaction in gt2
                        if (false) {
                            // REVISIT: This is bad - by releasing locks before
                            // we remove features we open ourselves up to the danger
                            // of someone else locking the features we are about to
                            // remove.
                            // We cannot do it the other way round, as the Features will
                            // not exist
                            // We cannot grab the fids offline using AUTO_COMMIT
                            // because we may have removed some of them earlier in the
                            // transaction
                        } else {
                            // This a bit better and what should be done, we will
                            // need to rework the gt2 locking api to work with
                            // fids or something
                            // The only other thing that would work would be
                            // to specify that FeatureLocking is required to
                            // remove locks when removing Features.
                            // While that sounds like a good idea, it would be
                            // extra work when doing release mode ALL.
                            DataStore data = store.getDataStore();
                            FilterFactory factory = FilterFactory
                            FeatureWriter writer;                           
                            writer = data.getFeatureWriter(typeName, filter,

                            try {
                                while (writer.hasNext()) {
                                    String fid =;
                            } finally {

                    } else {
                        // We don't have to worry about locking right now

                } catch (IOException ioException) {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(ioException.getMessage(),
                        element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());

            if (element instanceof InsertRequest) {
                if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_INSERT) == 0) {
                    // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                    throw new ServiceException(
                        "Transaction INSERT support is not enabled");
                LOGGER.finer( "Transasction Insert:"+element );
                try {
                    InsertRequest insert = (InsertRequest) element;
                    FeatureCollection collection = insert.getFeatures();

                    FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader(collection);
                    FeatureType schema = store.getSchema();

                    // Need to use the namespace here for the lookup, due to our weird
                    // prefixed internal typenames.  see
                    // Once we get our datastores making features with the correct namespaces
                    // we can do something like this:
                    // FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(schema.getTypeName(), schema.getNamespace());
                    // until then (when geos-144 is resolved) we're stuck with:
                    FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(element.getTypeName() );

                    // this is possible with the insert hack above.
                    LOGGER.finer("Use featureValidation to check contents of insert" );
                    featureValidation( typeInfo.getDataStoreInfo().getId(), schema, collection );

                    Set fids = store.addFeatures(reader);
                    build.addInsertResult(element.getHandle(), fids);

                    // Add to validation check envelope                               
                } catch (IOException ioException) {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(ioException,
                        element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());

            if (element instanceof UpdateRequest) {
                if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_UPDATE) == 0) {
                    // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                    throw new ServiceException(
                        "Transaction Update support is not enabled");
                LOGGER.finer( "Transaction Update:"+element);
                try {
                    UpdateRequest update = (UpdateRequest) element;
                    Filter filter = update.getFilter();

                    AttributeType[] types = update.getTypes(store.getSchema());
                    Object[] values = update.getValues();

                    DefaultQuery query = new DefaultQuery(update.getTypeName(),

                    // Pass through data to collect fids and damaged region
                    // for validation
                    Set fids = new HashSet();
                    LOGGER.finer("Preprocess to remember modification as a set of fids" );                   
                    FeatureReader preprocess = store.getFeatures( filter ).reader();
                    try {
                        while( preprocess.hasNext() ){
                            Feature feature =;
                            fids.add( feature.getID() );
                            envelope.expandToInclude( feature.getBounds() );
                    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                        throw new ServiceException( "Could not aquire FeatureIDs", e );
                    } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
                        throw new ServiceException( "Could not aquire FeatureIDs", e );
                    finally {
                      if (types.length == 1) {
                          store.modifyFeatures(types[0], values[0], filter);
                      } else {
                          store.modifyFeatures(types, values, filter);
                }catch (IOException e//DJB: this is for cite tests.  We should probaby do this for all the exceptions here - throw a transaction FAIL instead of serice exception 
                  //this failed - we want a FAILED not a service exception!
                  build = new WfsTransResponse(WfsTransResponse.FAILED,
                   // add in exception details here??
                  response = build;
                  // DJB: it looks like the transaction is rolled back in writeTo()
                    if ((request.getLockId() != null)
                            && store instanceof FeatureLocking
                            && (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME)) {
                        FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking) store;
                    // Post process - check features for changed boundary and
                    // pass them off to the ValidationProcessor
                    if( !fids.isEmpty() ) {
                        LOGGER.finer("Post process update for boundary update and featureValidation");
                        FidFilter modified = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory().createFidFilter();
                        modified.addAllFids( fids );
                        FeatureCollection changed = store.getFeatures( modified ).collection();
                        envelope.expandToInclude( changed.getBounds() );
                        FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(element.getTypeName());
                        featureValidation(typeInfo.getDataStoreInfo().getId(),store.getSchema(), changed);                   
                } catch (IOException ioException) {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(ioException,
                        element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());
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        throw new WfsTransactionException(message.toString(), "validation");

    protected void integrityValidation(Map stores, Envelope check)
        throws IOException, WfsTransactionException {
        Data catalog = request.getWFS().getData();
        ValidationProcessor validation = request.getValidationProcessor();
        if( validation == null ) {
            LOGGER.warning( "Validation Processor unavaialble" );
        LOGGER.finer( "Required to validate "+stores.size()+" typeRefs" );
        LOGGER.finer( "within "+check );
        // go through each modified typeName
        // and ask what we need to check
        Set typeRefs = new HashSet();               
        for (Iterator i = stores.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String typeRef = (String);
            typeRefs.add( typeRef );
            Set dependencies = validation.getDependencies( typeRef );
            LOGGER.finer( "typeRef "+typeRef+" requires "+dependencies);           
            typeRefs.addAll( dependencies );

        // Grab a source for each typeName we need to check
        // Grab from the provided stores - so we check against
        // the transaction
        Map sources = new HashMap();

        for (Iterator i = typeRefs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String typeRef = (String);
            LOGGER.finer("Searching for required typeRef: " + typeRef );

            if (stores.containsKey( typeRef )) {
                LOGGER.finer(" found required typeRef: " + typeRef +" (it was already loaded)");               
                sources.put( typeRef, stores.get(typeRef));
            } else {
                // These will be using Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT
                // this is okay as they were not involved in our
                // Transaction...
                LOGGER.finer(" could not find typeRef: " + typeRef +" (we will now load it)");
                String split[] = typeRef.split(":");
                String dataStoreId = split[0];
                String typeName = split[1];
                LOGGER.finer(" going to look for dataStoreId:"+dataStoreId+" and typeName:"+typeName );               
                // FeatureTypeInfo meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(typeName);
                String uri = catalog.getDataStoreInfo( dataStoreId ).getNameSpace().getURI();
                LOGGER.finer(" sorry I mean uri: " + uri +" and typeName:"+typeName );
                FeatureTypeInfo meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo( typeName, uri );
                if( meta == null ){
                  throw new IOException( "Could not find typeRef:"+typeRef +" for validation processor" );
                LOGGER.finer(" loaded required typeRef: " + typeRef );               
                sources.put( typeRef, meta.getFeatureSource());                                               
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        // A: The opperation was a success, and we have completed the opperation
        // We also need to do this if the opperation is not a success,
        // you can find this same code in the abort method
        Data catalog = request.getWFS().getData();

        if (request.getLockId() != null) {
            if (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.ALL) {
            } else if (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME) {
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        if (request != null) {
            // TODO: Do we need release/refresh during an abort?              
            if (request.getLockId() != null) {
                Data catalog = gs.getData();

                if (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.ALL) {
                } else if (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME) {

        request = null;
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