if (pipeId == null || pipeId.isEmpty()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Empty or null pipe id");
OMDocument doc = mSVG.getOwnerDocument();
OMElement e = null;
// Workaround for apparent bug in svg-gwt's getElementById when there
// is no element with the id. Apparently due to a mozilla bug.
try {
e = doc.getElementById(pipeId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
//Don't want to do anything, just don't have a hissy fit :)
"No pipe with id " + pipeId + " in workflow "
+ mWorkflowId);
if (e != null) {
PipelineInfo prevInfo = getPrevInfo(pipelineInfo.getId());
OMNodeList<OMElement> paths = e.getElementsByTagName("path");
OMElement line = paths.getItem(0);
updateText(pipelineInfo, line);
if (mPlaying && hasDataTransfers(pipelineInfo, prevInfo)) {
mAnimator.addLine(pipelineInfo.getId(), line);
} else {