public static BusinessEntity getBusinessEntityFromJAXROrg(Organization organization)
throws JAXRException {
BusinessEntity biz = objectFactory.createBusinessEntity();
BusinessServices bss = objectFactory.createBusinessServices();
BusinessService[] barr = new BusinessService[0];
try {
// It may just be an update
Key key = organization.getKey();
if (key != null && key.getId() != null) {
} else {
// Lets get the Organization attributes at the top level
InternationalString iname = organization.getName();
if (iname != null) {
addNames(biz.getName(), iname);
InternationalString idesc = organization.getDescription();
addDescriptions(biz.getDescription(), idesc);
if (organization.getPrimaryContact() != null &&
organization.getPrimaryContact().getPersonName()!= null &&
organization.getPrimaryContact().getPersonName().getFullName() != null) {
Collection<Service> s = organization.getServices();
log.debug("?Org has services=" + s.isEmpty());
barr = new BusinessService[s.size()];
Iterator<Service> iter = s.iterator();
int barrPos = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
BusinessService bs = ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
.getBusinessServiceFromJAXRService((Service) iter
barr[barrPos] = bs;
* map users : JAXR has concept of 'primary contact', which is a
* special designation for one of the users, and D6.1 seems to say
* that the first UDDI user is the primary contact
Contacts cts = objectFactory.createContacts();
Contact[] carr = new Contact[0];
User primaryContact = organization.getPrimaryContact();
Collection<User> users = organization.getUsers();
// Expand array to necessary size only (xmlbeans does not like
// null items in cases like this)
int carrSize = 0;
if (primaryContact != null) {
carrSize += 1;
// TODO: Clean this up and make it more efficient
Iterator<User> it = users.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
User u = (User) it.next();
if (u != primaryContact) {
carr = new Contact[carrSize];
* first do primary, and then filter that out in the loop
if (primaryContact != null) {
Contact ct = getContactFromJAXRUser(primaryContact);
carr[0] = ct;
it = users.iterator();
int carrPos = 1;
while (it.hasNext()) {
User u = (User) it.next();
if (u != primaryContact) {
Contact ct = getContactFromJAXRUser(u);
carr[carrPos] = ct;
if (carr.length>0) {