public void setResourceManager(ResourceManager resourceManager) throws TuboException {
this.resourceManager = resourceManager;
// get configuration
Configuration configuration = resourceManager.getConfiguration();
// get exception definitions
Map exceptionDefs = configuration.getExceptionDefs();
// loop exception defs and create rank list
for (Iterator it=exceptionDefs.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// get def
ExceptionDef def = (ExceptionDef);
// get exception ranks
List _ranks = def.getRankErrorCodesList();
// loop ranks and add pair [rank,exception_id] to global rank list
for (Iterator rit=_ranks.iterator(); rit.hasNext(); ) {
// get rank
int[] arank = (int[]);
// create Rank
Rank rank = new Rank(arank[1],arank[0],def.getId());
// add rank to list
// get messages properties
List messageResources = configuration.getMessageResources();
// create resource bundles array
bundles = new ResourceBundle[messageResources.size()];
// loop message resource creating bundles