Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNMerger

        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);
        propDiff = propDiff == null ? new SVNProperties() : propDiff;

        SVNMergeResult result = merger.mergeProperties(name, workingProps, baseProps, serverBaseProps,
                propDiff, this, log, baseMerge, dryRun);

        return result.getMergeStatus();
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);

        String workingText = localPath;
        if (copyFromText != null) {
            String copyFromTextPath = copyFromText.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            String thisPath = getRoot().getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            workingText = copyFromTextPath.substring(thisPath.length());
            if (workingText.startsWith("/")) {
                workingText = workingText.substring(1);
        File tmpTarget = SVNTranslator.detranslateWorkingCopy(this, workingText, propChanges, false);
        base = SVNTranslator.maybeUpdateTargetEOLs(this, base, propChanges);
        File resultFile = SVNAdminUtil.createTmpFile(this);

        SVNMergeFileSet mergeFileSet = new SVNMergeFileSet(this, log, base, tmpTarget, localPath, latest,
                resultFile, copyFromText, mimeType);

        mergeFileSet.setMergeLabels(baseLabel, localLabel, latestLabel);

      SVNMergeResult mergeResult;
      try {
          mergeResult = merger.mergeText(mergeFileSet, dryRun, options);
      finally {
        if (dryRun) {
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);
        boolean customMerger = merger.getClass() != DefaultSVNMerger.class;

        if (SVNProperty.isBinaryMimeType(mimeType) && !customMerger) {
            // binary
            if (!dryRun) {               
                File oldFile = SVNFileUtil.createUniqueFile(getRoot(), localPath, baseLabel);
                File newFile = SVNFileUtil.createUniqueFile(getRoot(), localPath, latestLabel);
                SVNFileUtil.copyFile(base, oldFile, false);
                SVNFileUtil.copyFile(latest, newFile, false);
                // update entry props
            status = SVNStatusType.CONFLICTED;
        } else {
            // text
            // 1. destranslate local
            File localTmpFile = SVNFileUtil.createUniqueFile(getRoot(), localPath, ".tmp");
            SVNTranslator.translate(this, localPath, localPath, SVNFileUtil.getBasePath(localTmpFile), false);
            // 2. run merge between all files we have :)
            OutputStream result = null;
            File resultFile = dryRun ? null : SVNFileUtil.createUniqueFile(getRoot(), localPath, ".result");
            result = resultFile == null ? SVNFileUtil.DUMMY_OUT : SVNFileUtil.openFileForWriting(resultFile);
            try {
                status = SVNProperty.isBinaryMimeType(mimeType) ?
                        merger.mergeBinary(base, localTmpFile, latest, dryRun, result) :
                        merger.mergeText(base, localTmpFile, latest, dryRun, options, result);
            } finally {
            if (dryRun) {
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);
        propDiff = propDiff == null ? new SVNProperties() : propDiff;

        SVNMergeResult result = merger.mergeProperties(name, workingProps, baseProps, serverBaseProps,
                propDiff, this, log, baseMerge, dryRun);

        return result.getMergeStatus();
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);

        String workingText = localPath;
        if (copyFromText != null) {
            String copyFromTextPath = copyFromText.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            String thisPath = getRoot().getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            workingText = copyFromTextPath.substring(thisPath.length());
            if (workingText.startsWith("/")) {
                workingText = workingText.substring(1);
        File tmpTarget = SVNTranslator.detranslateWorkingCopy(this, workingText, propChanges, false);
        base = SVNTranslator.maybeUpdateTargetEOLs(this, base, propChanges);
        File resultFile = SVNAdminUtil.createTmpFile(this);

        SVNMergeFileSet mergeFileSet = new SVNMergeFileSet(this, log, base, tmpTarget, localPath, latest,
                resultFile, copyFromText, mimeType);

        mergeFileSet.setMergeLabels(baseLabel, localLabel, latestLabel);

      SVNMergeResult mergeResult;
      try {
          mergeResult = merger.mergeText(mergeFileSet, dryRun, options);
      finally {
        if (dryRun) {
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);
        propDiff = propDiff == null ? new SVNProperties() : propDiff;

        SVNMergeResult result = merger.mergeProperties(name, workingProps, baseProps, serverBaseProps,
                propDiff, this, log, baseMerge, dryRun);

        return result.getMergeStatus();
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        byte[] conflictStart = ("<<<<<<< " + localLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] conflictEnd = (">>>>>>> " + latestLabel).getBytes();
        byte[] separator = ("=======").getBytes();
        ISVNMergerFactory factory = myWCAccess.getOptions().getMergerFactory();
        ISVNMerger merger = factory.createMerger(conflictStart, separator, conflictEnd);

        String workingText = localPath;
        if (copyFromText != null) {
            String copyFromTextPath = copyFromText.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            String thisPath = getRoot().getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            workingText = copyFromTextPath.substring(thisPath.length());
            if (workingText.startsWith("/")) {
                workingText = workingText.substring(1);
        File tmpTarget = SVNTranslator.detranslateWorkingCopy(this, workingText, propChanges, false);
        base = SVNTranslator.maybeUpdateTargetEOLs(this, base, propChanges);
        File resultFile = SVNAdminUtil.createTmpFile(this);

        SVNMergeFileSet mergeFileSet = new SVNMergeFileSet(this, log, base, tmpTarget, localPath, latest,
                resultFile, copyFromText, mimeType);

        mergeFileSet.setMergeLabels(baseLabel, localLabel, latestLabel);

      SVNMergeResult mergeResult;
      try {
          mergeResult = merger.mergeText(mergeFileSet, dryRun, options);
      finally {
        if (dryRun) {
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Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNMerger

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