It creates SVNRepository objects that may be stored in a common pool and reused later. The objects common pool may be shared by different threads, but each thread can retrieve only those objects, that have been created within that thread. So, DefaultSVNRepositoryPool is thread-safe. An objects pool may be global during runtime, or it may be private - one separate pool per one DefaultSVNRepositoryPool object. Also there's a possibility to have a DefaultSVNRepositoryPool object with the pool feature disabled (SVNRepository objects instantiated by such a creator are never cached).
DefaultSVNRepositoryPool caches one SVNRepository object per one url protocol (per one thread), that is the number of protocols used equals to the number of objects cached per one thread (if all objects are created as reusable).
Also DefaultSVNRepositoryPool is able to create SVNRepository objects that use a single socket connection (i.e. don't close a connection after every repository access operation but reuse a single one). @version 1.3 @author TMate Software Ltd. @since 1.2