) SVNRepository drivers open socket connections to write and read data from. Session objects (implementing ISVNSession) may enable an SVNRepository object to use a single socket connection during the whole runtime, or, as an alternative, to use a new socket connection per each repository access operation (this slows the speed of operation execution since the operation needs some extra time for opening and closing a socket). Also ISVNSession allows to cache and retrieve commit messages during runtime.
How to set a session object for an SVNRepository driver:
import; import; import; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL; ... ISVNSession session; ... SVNURL url = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded("svn://host/path/to/repos"); try{ SVNRepository repository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(url, session); ... }catch(SVNException svne){ ... }