Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperties

                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, DnaLexicon.RESOURCE);
                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED, dateFactory.create(entry.getDate()));

                            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            SVNProperties fileProperties = new SVNProperties();
                            getData(contentPath, fileProperties, os);
                            String mimeType = fileProperties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE);
                            if (mimeType == null) mimeType = DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE;
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE, mimeType);

                            if (os.toByteArray().length > 0) {
                                // Now put the file's content into the "jcr:data" property ...
                                BinaryFactory binaryFactory = getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getBinaryFactory();
                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.DATA, binaryFactory.create(os.toByteArray()));
                    } else {
                        // Determine the corresponding file path for this object ...
                        String filePath = getPathAsString(requestedPath);
                        if (!accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl().equals(workspaceName)) {
                            filePath = filePath.substring(1);
                        if (children != null) {
                            // Not a "jcr:content" child node but rather an nt:file node, so add the child ...
                            Path contentPath = pathFactory().create(requestedPath, JcrLexicon.CONTENT);
                        if (properties != null) {
                            // Now add the properties to "nt:file" ...
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.FILE);
                            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            SVNProperties fileProperties = new SVNProperties();
                            getData(filePath, fileProperties, os);
                            String created = fileProperties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.COMMITTED_DATE);
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.CREATED, dateFactory.create(created));
            } catch (SVNException e) {
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        final SVNLogEntry[] currentRevision = new SVNLogEntry[1];

        long count = toRevision - fromRevision + 1;
        if (dstLatestRevision == 0) {
            SVNProperties zeroRevisionProperties = src.getRevisionProperties(0, null);
            updateRevisionProperties(dst, 0, zeroRevisionProperties);

        for (long i = fromRevision; i <= toRevision; i++) {
            SVNProperties revisionProps = src.getRevisionProperties(i, null);
            String commitMessage = revisionProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.LOG);

            currentRevision[0] = null;

            src.log(new String[]{""}, i, i, true, false, 1, new ISVNLogEntryHandler() {
                public void handleLogEntry(SVNLogEntry logEntry) throws SVNException {
                    currentRevision[0] = logEntry;

            if (currentRevision[0] == null || currentRevision[0].getChangedPaths() == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Revision ''{0}'' does not contain information on changed paths; probably access is denied", new Long(i));
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.FSFS);
            } else if (currentRevision[0].getDate() == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Revision ''{0}'' does not contain commit date; probably access is denied", new Long(i));
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.FSFS);


            commitMessage = commitMessage == null ? "" : commitMessage;
            ISVNEditor commitEditor = SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(dst.getCommitEditor(commitMessage, null), this, src.getDebugLog());

            SVNReplicationEditor bridgeEditor = null;
            try {
                bridgeEditor = new SVNReplicationEditor(src, commitEditor, currentRevision[0]);
                final long previousRev = i - 1;

                src.update(i, null, true, new ISVNReporterBaton() {
                    public void report(ISVNReporter reporter) throws SVNException {
                        reporter.setPath("", null, previousRev, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false);
                }, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(bridgeEditor, this, src.getDebugLog()));
            } catch (SVNException svne) {
                try {
                } catch (SVNException e) {

                throw svne;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                try {
                } catch (SVNException e) {

                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, th.getMessage());
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, th, SVNLogType.FSFS);

            SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = bridgeEditor.getCommitInfo();
            try {
                updateRevisionProperties(dst, i, revisionProps);
                String author = revisionProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR);
                Date date = SVNDate.parseDate(revisionProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE));
                commitInfo = new SVNCommitInfo(i, author, date);
            } catch (SVNException e) {
                // skip revprop set failures.
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        EntryBaton baton = new EntryBaton(absPath);
        SVNLogEntryPath changedPath = (SVNLogEntryPath) myChangedPaths.get(absPath);
        if (changedPath != null && (changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_ADDED || changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED) && changedPath.getCopyPath() != null && changedPath.getCopyRevision() >= 0) {
            baton.myPropsAct = DECIDE;
            SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
            getSourceRepository().getDir(changedPath.getCopyPath(), changedPath.getCopyRevision(), props, (ISVNDirEntryHandler) null);
            baton.myProps = props;
            if (changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED) {
                myCommitEditor.deleteEntry(path, myPreviousRevision);
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        SVNLogEntryPath changedPath = (SVNLogEntryPath) myChangedPaths.get(absPath);
        if (changedPath != null && (changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_ADDED || changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED) && changedPath.getCopyPath() != null && changedPath.getCopyRevision() >= 0) {
            baton.myPropsAct = DECIDE;
            baton.myTextAct = ACCEPT;
            SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
            if (areFileContentsEqual(absPath, myTargetRevision, changedPath.getCopyPath(), changedPath.getCopyRevision(), props)) {
                baton.myTextAct = IGNORE;
            baton.myProps = props;
            if(changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED){
                myCommitEditor.deleteEntry(path, myPreviousRevision);
            myCommitEditor.addFile(path, changedPath.getCopyPath(), changedPath.getCopyRevision());
        } else if (changedPath != null && (changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_ADDED || changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED)) {
            baton.myPropsAct = ACCEPT;
            baton.myTextAct = ACCEPT;
            if(changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_REPLACED){
                myCommitEditor.deleteEntry(path, myPreviousRevision);
            myCommitEditor.addFile(path, null, -1);
        } else if (changedPath != null && changedPath.getType() == SVNLogEntryPath.TYPE_MODIFIED) {
            baton.myPropsAct = DECIDE;
            baton.myTextAct = ACCEPT;
            SVNLogEntryPath realPath = getFileCopyOrigin(absPath);
            if (realPath == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Unknown error, can't get the copy origin of a file");
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.FSFS);
            SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
            if (areFileContentsEqual(absPath, myTargetRevision, realPath.getCopyPath(), realPath.getCopyRevision(), props)) {
                baton.myTextAct = IGNORE;
            baton.myProps = props;
            myCommitEditor.openFile(path, myPreviousRevision);
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        return realPath;

    private boolean areFileContentsEqual(String path1, long rev1, String path2, long rev2, SVNProperties props2) throws SVNException {
        SVNProperties props1 = new SVNProperties();
        props2 = props2 == null ? new SVNProperties() : props2;

        SVNRepository repos = getSourceRepository();
        repos.getFile(path1, rev1, props1, null);
        repos.getFile(path2, rev2, props2, null);
        String crc1 = props1.getStringValue(SVNProperty.CHECKSUM);
        String crc2 = props2.getStringValue(SVNProperty.CHECKSUM);
        return crc1 != null && crc1.equals(crc2);
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        try {
            replayRangeImpl(startRevision, endRevision, lowRevision, sendDeltas, handler);
        } catch (SVNException svne) {
            if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
                for (long rev = startRevision; rev <= endRevision; rev++) {
                    SVNProperties revProps = getRevisionProperties(rev, null);
                    ISVNEditor editor = handler.handleStartRevision(rev, revProps);
                    replay(lowRevision, rev, sendDeltas, editor);
                    handler.handleEndRevision(rev, revProps, editor);
            } else {
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            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME,
                    "Standard properties can't be set explicitly as revision properties");
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK);
        revisionProperties = revisionProperties == null ? new SVNProperties() : new SVNProperties(revisionProperties);
        if (logMessage != null) {
            revisionProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.LOG, logMessage);
        return getCommitEditorInternal(locks, keepLocks, revisionProperties, mediator);
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        log(new String[] { "" }, endRevision, startRevision, true, false, 0, false, null, logHandler);
        LinkedList revisions = logHandler.getRevisions();
        setLocation(reposURL, false);
        File lastFile = null;
        SVNProperties lastProps = null;
        SVNDeltaGenerator deltaGenerator = new SVNDeltaGenerator();
        int i = 0;
        for (Iterator revsIter = revisions.iterator(); revsIter.hasNext();) {
            Revision rev = (Revision);
            File tmpFile = SVNFileUtil.createTempFile("tmp", ".tmp");
            SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
            OutputStream os = null;
            try {
                os = SVNFileUtil.openFileForWriting(tmpFile);
                getFile(rev.myPath, rev.myRevision, props, os);
            } finally {
            SVNProperties propDiff = FSRepositoryUtil.getPropsDiffs(lastProps, props);
            SVNFileRevision fileRevision = new SVNFileRevision(rev.myPath, rev.myRevision, rev.myProperties,
                    propDiff, false);
            InputStream srcStream = null;
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                    clientChangePaths.add(new ChangePath(path, entryPath.getCopyRevision(), entryPath.getCopyPath(), entryPath.getType(), getNodeKind(entryPath.getKind())));
            cp = (ChangePath[]) clientChangePaths.toArray(new ChangePath[clientChangePaths.size()]);
        SVNProperties revisionProperties = logEntry.getRevisionProperties();
        Map revisionPropertiesMap = new HashMap();
        for(Iterator names = revisionProperties.nameSet().iterator(); names.hasNext();) {
            String name = (String);
            revisionPropertiesMap.put(name, revisionProperties.getStringValue(name));
        handler.singleMessage(cp, logEntry.getRevision(), revisionPropertiesMap, logEntry.hasChildren());
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                SVNPropertyValue propValue = properties.getPropertyValue(myPropName);
                if (propValue != null) {
                    myPropHandler.handleProperty(path, new SVNPropertyData(myPropName, propValue, getOptions()));
            } else {
                SVNProperties allProps = properties.asMap();
                for (Iterator names = allProps.nameSet().iterator(); names.hasNext();) {
                    String name = (String);
                    SVNPropertyValue val = allProps.getSVNPropertyValue(name);
                    myPropHandler.handleProperty(path, new SVNPropertyData(name, val, getOptions()));
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Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperties

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