Plugins are also supported by PostingListManager. Each plugin class should implement the PostingListManagerPlugin interface, and be named explicitly in the matching.postinglist.manager.plugins property.
Example Usage
Following code shows how term-at-a-time matching may occur using the PostingListManager:MatchingQueryTerms mqt; Index index; PostingListManager plm = new PostingListManager(index, index.getCollectionStatistics(), mqt); plm.prepare(false); for(int term = 0;term < plm.size(); term++) { IterablePosting ip = plm.get(term); while( != IterablePosting.EOL) { double score = plm.score(term); int id = ip.getId(); } } plm.close();@author Nicola Tonellotto and Craig Macdonald @since 3.5 @see org.terrier.matching.Matching