Package org.terasology.physics

Examples of org.terasology.physics.HitResult

        Vector3f originPos = location.getWorldPosition();
        originPos.y += characterComponent.eyeOffset;
        boolean ownedEntityUsage = usedOwnedEntity.exists();
        int activationId = nextActivationId++;
        Physics physics = CoreRegistry.get(Physics.class);
        HitResult result = physics.rayTrace(originPos, direction, characterComponent.interactionRange, filter);
        boolean eventWithTarget = result.isHit();
        if (eventWithTarget) {
            EntityRef activatedObject = usedOwnedEntity.exists() ? usedOwnedEntity : result.getEntity();
            activatedObject.send(new ActivationPredicted(character, result.getEntity(), originPos, direction,
                    result.getHitPoint(), result.getHitNormal(), activationId));
            character.send(new ActivationRequest(character, ownedEntityUsage, usedOwnedEntity, eventWithTarget, result.getEntity(),
                    originPos, direction, result.getHitPoint(), result.getHitNormal(), activationId));
            return true;
        } else if (ownedEntityUsage) {
            usedOwnedEntity.send(new ActivationPredicted(character, EntityRef.NULL, originPos, direction,
                    originPos, new Vector3f(), activationId));
            character.send(new ActivationRequest(character, ownedEntityUsage, usedOwnedEntity, eventWithTarget, EntityRef.NULL,
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        // TODO: This will change when camera are handled better (via a component)
        Camera camera = CoreRegistry.get(WorldRenderer.class).getActiveCamera();

        Physics physicsRenderer = CoreRegistry.get(Physics.class);
        HitResult hitInfo = physicsRenderer.rayTrace(new Vector3f(camera.getPosition()), new Vector3f(camera.getViewingDirection()), TARGET_DISTANCE, filter);
        updateFocalDistance(hitInfo, delta);
        Vector3i newBlockPos = null;

        EntityRef newTarget = EntityRef.NULL;
        if (hitInfo.isHit()) {
            newTarget = hitInfo.getEntity();
            hitPosition = hitInfo.getHitPoint();
            hitNormal = hitInfo.getHitNormal();
            if (hitInfo.isWorldHit()) {
                newBlockPos = new Vector3i(hitInfo.getBlockPosition());
        if (!Objects.equal(target, newTarget) || lostTarget) {
            EntityRef oldTarget = target;
            oldTarget.send(new CameraOutEvent());
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        discreteDynamicsWorld.rayTest(from, to, closest);
        if (closest.hasHit()) {
            if (closest.userData instanceof Vector3i) { //We hit a world block
                final EntityRef entityAt = blockEntityRegistry.getEntityAt((Vector3i) closest.userData);
                return new HitResult(entityAt, closest.hitPointWorld, closest.hitNormalWorld, (Vector3i) closest.userData);
            } else if (closest.userData instanceof EntityRef) { //we hit an other entity
                return new HitResult((EntityRef) closest.userData, closest.hitPointWorld, closest.hitNormalWorld);
            } else { //we hit something we don't understand, assume its nothing and log a warning
                logger.warn("Unidentified object was hit in the physics engine: {}", closest.userData);
                return new HitResult();
        } else { //nothing was hit
            return new HitResult();
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        CharacterComponent characterComponent = character.getComponent(CharacterComponent.class);
        Vector3f direction = characterComponent.getLookDirection();
        Vector3f originPos = location.getWorldPosition();
        originPos.y += characterComponent.eyeOffset;

        HitResult result = physics.rayTrace(originPos, direction, characterComponent.interactionRange, filter);

        if (result.isHit()) {
            int damage = 1;
            Prefab damageType = EngineDamageTypes.PHYSICAL.get();
            // Calculate damage from item
            ItemComponent item = event.getItem().getComponent(ItemComponent.class);
            if (item != null) {
                damage = item.baseDamage;
                if (item.damageType != null) {
                    damageType = item.damageType;

            result.getEntity().send(new DoDamageEvent(damage, damageType, character, event.getItem()));
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            if (!event.getTarget().exists()) {
      "Denied activation attempt by {} since the target does not exist on the authority", getPlayerNameFromCharacter(character));
                return false; // can happen if target existed on client

            HitResult result = physics.rayTrace(originPos, direction, characterComponent.interactionRange, filter);
            if (!result.isHit()) {
      "Denied activation attempt by {} since at the authority there was nothing to activate at that place", getPlayerNameFromCharacter(character));
                return false;
            EntityRef hitEntity = result.getEntity();
            if (!hitEntity.equals(event.getTarget())) {
                 * Tip for debugging this issue: Obtain the network id of hit entity and search it in both client and
                 * server entity dump. When certain fields don't get replicated, then wrong entity might get hin in the
                 * hit test.
      "Denied activation attempt by {} since at the authority another entity would have been activated", getPlayerNameFromCharacter(character));
                return false;

            if (!(vectorsAreAboutEqual(event.getHitPosition(), result.getHitPoint()))) {
      "Denied activation attempt by {} since at the authority the object got hit at a differnt position", getPlayerNameFromCharacter(character));
                return false;
        } else {
            // In order to trust the data later we need to verify it even if it should be correct if no one cheats:
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Related Classes of org.terasology.physics.HitResult

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