Use the {@link ConfigPropertyNames#USE_DATASOURCES_PROP} property to specify a comma delimited ordered list to control which data sources to use.
This will enable integration testing to be setup to use well known combinations, to ensure coverage and makes it easier to replicate issues. This indicates to use only the specified datasources for this test. This option can be used in test cases where only specific sources are to be used and tested against. This ordered list will map to the model:order mapping in the file.
Example: in the file, the models in the test and their order can be specified:
Use the {@link ConfigPropertyNames#EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP} property to specify a comma delimited list of {@link DataBaseTypes} to exclude.
This will remove all datasources of a specific database type from the list of available datasources. This option will be applied after {@link ConfigPropertyNames#USE_DATASOURCES_PROP} option. This is done because there are some test that will not work with certain databasetypes, and therefore, if the required datasources are not met, the test will be bypassed for execution.
This option gives the developer even more fine grain control of how datasources are assigned. There are cases where a specific model must be assigned to a datasource of a specific database type. To use this option,
@author vanhalbert