// iterate through the supplied list of updates (each of
// which is an ICompareCriteria with an IElement on the left
// side and an IExpression on the right, per the Connector
// API).
for (int i=0; i < updateList.size(); i++) {
SetClause setClause = updateList.get(i);
// trust that connector API is right and left side
// will always be an IElement
leftElement = setClause.getSymbol();
// call utility method to get NameInSource/Name for element
nameLeftElement = getNameFromElement(leftElement);
// get right expression - if it is not a literal we
// can't handle that so throw an exception
rightExpr = setClause.getValue();
if (!(rightExpr instanceof Literal)) {
final String msg = LDAPPlugin.Util.getString("LDAPUpdateExecution.valueNotLiteralError",nameLeftElement); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new TranslatorException(msg);
valueRightExpr = ((Literal)rightExpr).getValue();