Iterator theColumns = theModel.getColumns().iterator();
/*Sets the cell renderer for columns of type ColorComponent*/
aTable.setDefaultRenderer(ColorComponent.class, new TableCellColorRenderer());
TableColumnModel theColumn = null;
List theColumnItems = null;
ColorComponent[] theColors = null;
String theColorName = null;
ColorComponent theColor = null;
JComboBox theCombo = null;
while (theColumns.hasNext()) {
theColumn = (TableColumnModel);
if (theColumn.getType() instanceof ColorComponent) {
/*Sets the cell editor for columns of type ColorComponent*/
theColumnItems = theColumn.getItems();
if (theColumnItems != null) {
theColors = new ColorComponent[theColumnItems.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < theColumnItems.size(); i++) {
theColorName = (String) theColumnItems.get(i);
theColor = ColorComponent.getColorByName(theColorName);