Package org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint

Examples of org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint.Equals

                } else {
                    throw SupportLogger.LOGGER.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Equals")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {  //all input date equal to each other
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals() : new Equals(previous);
                } else if (params.length == 1) {  // equals to a supplied constantValue
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals(params[0]) : new Equals(params[0], previous);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ForbidSubStr")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {
                    throw SupportLogger.LOGGER.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
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                } else {
                    throw SupportMessages.MESSAGES.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Equals")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {  //all input date equal to each other
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals() : new Equals(previous);
                } else if (params.length == 1) {  // equals to a supplied constantValue
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals(params[0]) : new Equals(params[0], previous);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ForbidSubStr")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {
                    throw SupportMessages.MESSAGES.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
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                } else {
                    throw SupportLogger.LOGGER.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Equals")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {  //all input date equal to each other
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals() : new Equals(previous);
                } else if (params.length == 1) {  // equals to a supplied constantValue
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals(params[0]) : new Equals(params[0], previous);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ForbidSubStr")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {
                    throw SupportLogger.LOGGER.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
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                } else {
                    throw SupportMessages.MESSAGES.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Equals")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {  //all input date equal to each other
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals() : new Equals(previous);
                } else if (params.length == 1) {  // equals to a supplied constantValue
                    current = previous == null ? new Equals(params[0]) : new Equals(params[0], previous);
            } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ForbidSubStr")) {
                if (params.length == 0) {
                    throw SupportMessages.MESSAGES.invalidParamsForCellProcessor(name, params);
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Related Classes of org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint.Equals

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