final HTMLFixture htmlFixture = testClass.getAnnotation(HTMLFixture.class);
final Scripts addedScripts = testClass.getAnnotation(Scripts.class);
final ScriptsBefore addedScriptsBefore = testClass.getAnnotation(ScriptsBefore.class);
final ScriptsAfter addedScriptsAfter = testClass.getAnnotation(ScriptsAfter.class);
final Test test = meth.getMethod().getAnnotation(Test.class);
StringBuilder resp = new StringBuilder(8192);
appendScriptTag(resp, "/stjs.js");
appendScriptTag(resp, "/junit.js");
resp.append("<script language='javascript'>stjs.mainCallDisabled=true;</script>\n");
// scripts added explicitly
if (addedScripts != null) {
for (String script : addedScripts.value()) {
appendScriptTag(resp, script);
// scripts before - new style
if (addedScriptsBefore != null) {
for (String script : addedScriptsBefore.value()) {
appendScriptTag(resp, script);
Set<URI> jsFiles = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
for (ClassWithJavascript dep : new DependencyCollection(stjsClass).orderAllDependencies(getConfig().getClassLoader())) {
if (addedScripts != null && dep instanceof BridgeClass) {
// bridge dependencies are not added when using @Scripts
.println("WARNING: You're using @Scripts deprecated annotation that disables the automatic inclusion of the Javascript files of the bridges you're using! "
+ "Please consider using @ScriptsBefore and/or @ScriptsAfter instead.");
for (URI file : dep.getJavascriptFiles()) {
for (URI file : jsFiles) {
appendScriptTag(resp, file.toString());
// scripts after - new style
if (addedScriptsAfter != null) {
for (String script : addedScriptsAfter.value()) {
appendScriptTag(resp, script);
resp.append("<script language='javascript'>\n");
resp.append(" window.onload=function(){\n");