Package org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.dynamic

Examples of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.dynamic.JspComponent

                Feed feed = this.getFeedFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName);
                if (feed != null) {
                    // Render the feed via external JSP content:
                    event.getHttpRequest().setAttribute("feed", feed);
                    event.getHttpRequest().setAttribute("subscription", subscriptionName);
                    JspComponent jsp = new JspComponent(event.getHttpRequest(), "/personal/includes/");
                    // Replace the content of the "viewer" page part:
                    ReplaceContentAction action1 = new ReplaceContentAction("viewer", jsp);
                    // Re-apply javascript Behaviour rules:
                    ApplyBehaviour action2 = new ApplyBehaviour();
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                    Entry entry = (Entry) feed.getEntries().get(entryIndex);
                    // Set the entry object in the request:
                    event.getHttpRequest().setAttribute("entry", entry);
                    // Render the entry via external JSP content:
                    JspComponent jsp = new JspComponent(event.getHttpRequest(), "/personal/includes/");
                    // Change the class of the web element that fired the event:
                    SetAttributeAction action1 = new SetAttributeAction(event.getElementId(), "class", "expanded");
                    // Construct the CSS selector identifying the web page part that will be updated with the JSP content:
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    public AjaxResponse includeJsp(AjaxActionEvent event) {
        // Create the component for including jsp content:
        event.getHttpRequest().setAttribute("jspVar2", event.getParameters().get("jspVar2"));
        JspComponent jsp = new JspComponent(event.getHttpRequest(), "/includes/include.jsp");
        // Create an ajax action for appending it:
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("jsp", jsp);
        // Create a concrete ajax response:
        AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
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Related Classes of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.dynamic.JspComponent

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