Package org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component

Examples of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.TableRow

    public AjaxResponse addEmployee(AjaxActionEvent event) {
        Collection<IEmployee> employees =;

        // Create the row, with a given rowId:
        TableRow row = new TableRow();
        String rowId = Long.toString(new Date().getTime());
        row.addAttribute("id", rowId);

        // Create the employee selection box (binding to employees) and add it to a column:
        BindStatusHelper helper = new BindStatusHelper("command.employees");
        Select selectionList = new Select(helper.getStatusExpression());
        for (IEmployee emp : employees) {
            Option o = new Option(emp, "matriculationCode", "surname");
        TableData td1 = new TableData(selectionList);

        // Create the remove button and add it to another column:
        InputField removeButton = new InputField("toRemove", "Remove", InputField.InputType.BUTTON);
        TableData td2 = new TableData(removeButton);

        // Add the two columns to the row:
        // Add an onclick event to the remove button, which executes a client side javascript function for actually
        // removing the row:
        removeButton.addAttribute("onclick", new StringBuilder("removeRow('").append(rowId).append("');").toString());
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        highlightAction.addOption("duration", 0.5);
        // Create the components to render (a list of html table rows):
        List rows = new LinkedList();
        for(IEmployee emp : employees) {
            TableRow row = new TableRow(emp, new String[]{"firstname", "surname", "matriculationCode"}, null);
        // Create an ajax action for replacing the old table body content, inserting these new rows:
        ReplaceContentAction replaceRowsAction = new ReplaceContentAction("employees", rows);
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Related Classes of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.component.TableRow

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