Package org.springmodules.xt.ajax.action

Examples of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.action.AppendContentAction

        // Put new errors into HTML:
        for (ObjectError error : errors) {
            if (this.rendersError(error)) {
                ElementMatcher matcher = this.getElementMatcherForError(error);
                Component renderingComponent = this.errorRenderingCallback.getErrorComponent(event, error, this.messageSource, locale);
                AppendContentAction appendAction = new AppendContentAction(matcher, renderingComponent);
                // Get the actions to execute *after* rendering the component:
                AjaxAction[] renderingActions = this.errorRenderingCallback.getErrorActions(event, error);
                if (renderingActions != null) {
                    for (AjaxAction renderingAction : renderingActions) {
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    public AjaxResponseImplTest(String testName) {

    public void testRender() throws Exception {
        AppendContentAction action1 = new AppendContentAction("action1", new SimpleText("Test Text"));
        ReplaceContentAction action2 = new ReplaceContentAction("action2", new SimpleText("Test Text"));
        AjaxResponseImpl response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
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public class DummySubmitHandler extends AbstractAjaxHandler {

    public AjaxResponse submit(AjaxSubmitEvent e) {
        AjaxResponseImpl response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("submit", new SimpleText("submit"));
        return response;
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public class DummyHandler extends AbstractAjaxHandler {
    public AjaxResponse action(AjaxActionEvent e) {
        AjaxResponseImpl response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("action", new SimpleText("action"));
        return response;
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        // Add an onclick event to the remove button, which executes a client side javascript function for actually
        // removing the row:
        removeButton.addAttribute("onclick", new StringBuilder("removeRow('").append(rowId).append("');").toString());

        // Create an ajax action for appending the new row:
        AppendContentAction appendRowAction = new AppendContentAction("employees", row);

        // Create a concrete ajax response:
        AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        // Add actions:
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            BindStatusHelper helper = new BindStatusHelper("command.employees");
            ListItem item = new ListItem(new SimpleText(draggedEmployee.getFirstname() + " " + draggedEmployee.getSurname()));
            InputField hidden = new InputField(helper.getStatusExpression(), draggedEmployee.getMatriculationCode(), InputField.InputType.HIDDEN);
            AppendContentAction appendAction = new AppendContentAction("employees", new LinkedList<Component>(Arrays.asList(item, hidden)));
            AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
            return response;
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        String number = new Integer((new Random()).nextInt()).toString();
        // Create the text component holding the number:
        SimpleText text = new SimpleText(number + "&#160;&#160;&#160;");
        // Create an ajax action for appending it:
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("num", text);
        // Create a concrete ajax response:
        AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        // Add the action:
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    public AjaxResponse includeJsp(AjaxActionEvent event) {
        // Create the component for including jsp content:
        event.getHttpRequest().setAttribute("jspVar2", event.getParameters().get("jspVar2"));
        JspComponent jsp = new JspComponent(event.getHttpRequest(), "/includes/include.jsp");
        // Create an ajax action for appending it:
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("jsp", jsp);
        // Create a concrete ajax response:
        AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        // Add the action:
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        TemplateComponent velocity = new TemplateComponent(this.velocityViewResolver, "include");
        Map model = new HashMap();
        model.put("velocity", "Velocity");
        // Create an ajax action for appending it:
        AppendContentAction action = new AppendContentAction("velocity", velocity);
        // Create a concrete ajax response:
        AjaxResponse response = new AjaxResponseImpl();
        // Add the action:
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Related Classes of org.springmodules.xt.ajax.action.AppendContentAction

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