@CliCommand(value = DISPLAY_FV_COUNTER, help = "Display the value of a field-value-counter")
public Table display(
@CliOption(key = { "", "name" }, help = "the name of the field-value-counter to display", mandatory = true, optionContext = "existing-fvc disable-string-converter") String name,
@CliOption(key = "pattern", help = "the pattern used to format the field-value-counter's field count (see DecimalFormat)", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = NumberFormatConverter.DEFAULT) NumberFormat pattern,
@CliOption(key = { "size" }, help = "the number of values to display", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "25") int size) {
FieldValueCounterResource fvcResource = fvcOperations().retrieve(name);
return displayFVCvalue(fvcResource, pattern, size);