Simple implementation of ViewResolver that interprets a view name as bean name in the current application context, i.e. in the XML file of the executing DispatcherServlet.
This resolver can be handy for small applications, keeping all definitions ranging from controllers to views in the same place. For normal applications, XmlViewResolver will be the better choice, as it separates the XML view bean definitions into a dedicated views file. View beans should virtually never have references to any other application beans - such a separation will make this clear.
This ViewResolver does not support internationalization. Conside ResourceBundleViewResolver if you need to apply different view resources per locale.
Note: This ViewResolver implements the Ordered interface to allow for flexible participation in ViewResolver chaining. For example, some special views could be defined via this ViewResolver (giving it 0 as "order" value), while all remaining views could be resolved by a UrlBasedViewResolver.
@author Juergen Hoeller
@since 18.06.2003
@see XmlViewResolver
@see ResourceBundleViewResolver
@see UrlBasedViewResolver