logger.info("Rabbit Process not running but status is ready. Restarting.");
logger.info("Starting RabbitMQ node by shelling out command line.");
final Execute execute = new Execute();
String rabbitStartScript = null;
String hint = "";
if (Os.isFamily("windows") || Os.isFamily("dos")) {
rabbitStartScript = "sbin/rabbitmq-server.bat";
} else if (Os.isFamily("unix") || Os.isFamily("mac")) {
rabbitStartScript = "bin/rabbitmq-server";
hint = "Depending on your platform it might help to set RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE and RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE System properties to an empty directory.";
Assert.notNull(rabbitStartScript, "unsupported OS family");
String rabbitHome = System.getProperty("RABBITMQ_HOME", System.getenv("RABBITMQ_HOME"));
if (rabbitHome == null) {
if (Os.isFamily("windows") || Os.isFamily("dos")) {
rabbitHome = findDirectoryName("c:/Program Files", "rabbitmq");
} else if (Os.isFamily("unix") || Os.isFamily("mac")) {
rabbitHome = "/usr/lib/rabbitmq";
Assert.notNull(rabbitHome, "RABBITMQ_HOME system property (or environment variable) not set.");
rabbitHome = StringUtils.cleanPath(rabbitHome);
String rabbitStartCommand = rabbitHome + "/" + rabbitStartScript;
String[] commandline = new String[] { rabbitStartCommand };
List<String> env = new ArrayList<String>();
if (rabbitLogBaseDirectory != null) {
env.add("RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE=" + rabbitLogBaseDirectory);
} else {
addEnvironment(env, "RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE");
if (rabbitMnesiaBaseDirectory != null) {
env.add("RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE=" + rabbitMnesiaBaseDirectory);
} else {
addEnvironment(env, "RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE");
addEnvironment(env, "ERLANG_HOME");
// Make the nodename explicitly the same so the erl process knows who we are
env.add("RABBITMQ_NODENAME=" + nodeName);
// Set the port number for the new process
env.add("RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=" + port);
// Ask for a detached erl process so stdout doesn't get diverted to a black hole when the JVM dies (without this
// you can start the Rabbit broker form Java but if you forget to stop it, the erl process is hosed).
execute.setEnvironment(env.toArray(new String[0]));
final CountDownLatch running = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final String errorHint = hint;
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
int exit = execute.execute();
logger.info("Finished broker launcher process with exit code=" + exit);
if (exit != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not start process." + errorHint);