The optional "configLocation" property sets the location of a FreeMarker properties file, within the current application. FreeMarker properties can be overridden via "freemarkerSettings". All of these properties will be set by calling FreeMarker's Configuration.setSettings()
method and are subject to constraints set by FreeMarker.
The "freemarkerVariables" property can be used to specify a Map of shared variables that will be applied to the Configuration via the setAllSharedVariables()
method. Like setSettings()
, these entries are subject to FreeMarker constraints.
The simplest way to use this class is to specify a "templateLoaderPath"; FreeMarker does not need any further configuration then.
Note: Spring's FreeMarker support requires FreeMarker 2.3 or higher. @author Darren Davison @author Juergen Hoeller @since 03.03.2004 @see #setConfigLocation @see #setFreemarkerSettings @see #setFreemarkerVariables @see #setTemplateLoaderPath @see #createConfiguration @see FreeMarkerConfigurationFactoryBean @see org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer @see freemarker.template.Configuration