public void testThrowsAdvisorIsInvoked() throws Throwable {
// Reacts to ServletException and RemoteException
MyThrowsHandler th = new MyThrowsHandler();
Advisor matchesEchoInvocations = new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(th) {
public boolean matches(Method m, Class<?> targetClass) {
return m.getName().startsWith("echo");
Echo target = new Echo();
ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
assertEquals("Advisor was added", matchesEchoInvocations, pf.getAdvisors()[1]);
IEcho proxied = (IEcho) createProxy(pf);
assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
assertEquals(target.getA(), proxied.getA());
assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
Exception ex = new Exception();
// Will be advised but doesn't match
try {
proxied.echoException(1, ex);
catch (Exception caught) {
assertEquals(ex, caught);
ex = new FileNotFoundException();
try {
proxied.echoException(1, ex);
catch (FileNotFoundException caught) {
assertEquals(ex, caught);
assertEquals(1, th.getCalls("ioException"));