// Retrieve this Acl from the InputMap
Acl uncastAcl = inputMap.get(currentIdentity);
Assert.isInstanceOf(AclImpl.class, uncastAcl, "The inputMap contained a non-AclImpl");
AclImpl inputAcl = (AclImpl) uncastAcl;
Acl parent = inputAcl.getParentAcl();
if ((parent != null) && parent instanceof StubAclParent) {
// Lookup the parent
StubAclParent stubAclParent = (StubAclParent) parent;
parent = convert(inputMap, stubAclParent.getId());
// Now we have the parent (if there is one), create the true AclImpl
AclImpl result = new AclImpl(inputAcl.getObjectIdentity(), (Long) inputAcl.getId(), aclAuthorizationStrategy,
grantingStrategy, parent, null, inputAcl.isEntriesInheriting(), inputAcl.getOwner());
// Copy the "aces" from the input to the destination
// Obtain the "aces" from the input ACL