Package org.springframework.roo.model

Examples of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(compilationUnit.getPackage()
        if (name.getEnclosingType() != null) {
        compilationUnitPackage = new JavaPackage(sb.toString());

        // Determine the type name, adding type parameters if possible
        final JavaType newName = JavaParserUtils.getJavaType(
                compilationUnitServices, typeDeclaration);

        // Revert back to the original type name (thus avoiding unnecessary
        // inferences about java.lang types; see ROO-244)
        name = new JavaType(newName.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(),
                newName.getEnclosingType(), newName.getArray(),
                newName.getDataType(), newName.getArgName(),

        final ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder cidBuilder = new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder(

        physicalTypeCategory = PhysicalTypeCategory.CLASS;
        if (typeDeclaration instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) {
            clazz = (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) typeDeclaration;
            if (clazz.isInterface()) {
                physicalTypeCategory = PhysicalTypeCategory.INTERFACE;

        else if (typeDeclaration instanceof EnumDeclaration) {
            enumClazz = (EnumDeclaration) typeDeclaration;
            physicalTypeCategory = PhysicalTypeCategory.ENUMERATION;

        Validate.notNull(physicalTypeCategory, "%s (%s for %s)",
                UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_PREFIX, typeDeclaration.getClass()
                        .getSimpleName(), name);


        imports = compilationUnit.getImports();
        if (imports == null) {
            imports = new ArrayList<ImportDeclaration>();

        // Verify the package declaration appears to be correct
        if(compilationUnitPackage.equals(name.getPackage()) != true) {
          String warningStr = "[Warning] Compilation unit package '" + compilationUnitPackage + "' unexpected for type '" + name.getPackage() + "', it may be a nested class.";
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, warningStr);

        for (final ImportDeclaration importDeclaration : imports) {
            if (importDeclaration.getName() instanceof QualifiedNameExpr) {
                final String qualifier = ((QualifiedNameExpr) importDeclaration
                final String simpleName = importDeclaration.getName().getName();
                final String fullName = qualifier + "." + simpleName;
                // We want to calculate these...

                final JavaType type = new JavaType(fullName);
                final JavaPackage typePackage = importDeclaration.isAsterisk() ? new JavaPackage(
                        fullName) : type.getPackage();

                // Process any comments for the import
                final CommentStructure commentStructure = new CommentStructure();
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        final HashSet<String> imported = new HashSet<String>();
        final ArrayList<ImportDeclaration> imports = new ArrayList<ImportDeclaration>();
        for (final ImportDeclaration importDeclaration : compilationUnit
                .getImports()) {
            JavaPackage importPackage = null;
            JavaType importType = null;
            if (importDeclaration.isAsterisk()) {
                importPackage = new JavaPackage(importDeclaration.getName()
            else {
                importType = new JavaType(importDeclaration.getName()
                importPackage = importType.getPackage();

            if (importPackage.equals(cid.getName().getPackage())
                    && importDeclaration.isAsterisk()) {

            if (importPackage.equals(cid.getName().getPackage())
                    && importType != null
                    && importType.getEnclosingType() == null) {
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        if (module != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(module.getModuleName())) {
            moduleName = AnsiEscapeCode.decorate(module.getModuleName()
                    + MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR, AnsiEscapeCode.FG_CYAN);

        topLevelPackage = new JavaPackage(
        final String path = moduleName
                + fullyQualifiedName.replace(
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            final CompilationUnit compilationUnit = JavaParser
                    .parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(typeContents.getBytes()));
            if (compilationUnit == null || compilationUnit.getPackage() == null) {
                return null;
            return new JavaPackage(compilationUnit.getPackage().getName()
        catch (final ParseException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse " + fileIdentifier
                    + " : " + e.getMessage());
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    public JavaPackage convertFromText(final String value,
            final Class<?> requiredType, final String optionContext) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
            return null;
        final JavaPackage result = new JavaPackage(
        if (optionContext != null && optionContext.contains(UPDATE)) {
        return result;
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            if (!found) {
                return null;

        lastUsed.setTopLevelPackage(new JavaPackage(topLevelPath));
        return newValue;
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            else {
                newValue = topLevelPath + ".";
        lastUsed.setTopLevelPackage(new JavaPackage(topLevelPath));
        return newValue;
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            final NameExpr nameToFind, final Set<JavaSymbolName> typeParameters) {
                "Compilation unit services required");
        Validate.notNull(nameToFind, "Name to find is required");

        final JavaPackage compilationUnitPackage = compilationUnitServices

        if (nameToFind instanceof QualifiedNameExpr) {
            final QualifiedNameExpr qne = (QualifiedNameExpr) nameToFind;

            // Handle qualified name expressions that are related to inner types
            // (eg Foo.Bar)
            final NameExpr qneQualifier = qne.getQualifier();
            final NameExpr enclosedBy = getNameExpr(compilationUnitServices
            if (isEqual(qneQualifier, enclosedBy)) {
                // This qualified name expression is simply an inner type
                // reference
                final String name = compilationUnitServices
                        + "." + nameToFind.getName();
                return new JavaType(name,

            // Refers to a different enclosing type, so calculate the package
            // name based on convention of an uppercase letter denotes same
            // package (ROO-1210)
            if (qne.toString().length() > 1
                    && Character.isUpperCase(qne.toString().charAt(0))) {
                // First letter is uppercase, so this likely requires prepending
                // of some package name
                final ImportDeclaration importDeclaration = getImportDeclarationFor(
                        compilationUnitServices, qne.getQualifier());
                if (importDeclaration == null) {
                    if (!compilationUnitPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName()
                            .equals("")) {
                        // It was not imported, so let's assume it's in the same
                        // package
                        return new JavaType(compilationUnitServices
                                + "." + qne.toString());
                else {
                    return new JavaType(importDeclaration.getName() + "."
                            + qne.getName());

                // This name expression (which contains a dot) had its qualifier
                // imported, so let's use the import
            else {
                // First letter is lowercase, so the reference already includes
                // a package
                return new JavaType(qne.toString());

        if ("?".equals(nameToFind.getName())) {
            return new JavaType(OBJECT.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(), 0,
                    DataType.TYPE, JavaType.WILDCARD_NEITHER, null);

        // Unqualified name detected, so check if it's in the type parameter
        // list
        if (typeParameters != null
                && typeParameters.contains(new JavaSymbolName(nameToFind
                        .getName()))) {
            return new JavaType(nameToFind.getName(), 0, DataType.VARIABLE,
                    null, null);
        // Check if we are looking for the enclosingType itself
        final NameExpr enclosingTypeName = getNameExpr(compilationUnitServices
        if (isEqual(enclosingTypeName, nameToFind)) {
            return compilationUnitServices.getEnclosingTypeName();

        // We are searching for a non-qualified name expression (nameToFind), so
        // check if the compilation unit itself declares that type
        for (final TypeDeclaration internalType : compilationUnitServices
                .getInnerTypes()) {
            final NameExpr nameExpr = getNameExpr(internalType.getName());
            if (isEqual(nameExpr, nameToFind)) {
                // Found, so now we need to convert the internalType to a proper
                // JavaType
                final String name = compilationUnitServices
                        + "." + nameToFind.getName();
                return new JavaType(name);

        final ImportDeclaration importDeclaration = getImportDeclarationFor(
                compilationUnitServices, nameToFind);
        if (importDeclaration == null) {
            if (JdkJavaType.isPartOfJavaLang(nameToFind.getName())) {
                return new JavaType("java.lang." + nameToFind.getName());
            final String name = compilationUnitPackage
                    .getFullyQualifiedPackageName().equals("") ? nameToFind
                    .getName() : compilationUnitPackage
                    + "."
                    + nameToFind.getName();
            return new JavaType(name);
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            final Set<JavaSymbolName> typeParameters) {
                "Compilation unit services required");
        Validate.notNull(cit, "ClassOrInterfaceType required");

        final JavaPackage compilationUnitPackage = compilationUnitServices
                "Compilation unit package required");

        String typeName = cit.getName();
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     *         null)
    public static NameExpr importTypeIfRequired(final JavaType targetType,
            final List<ImportDeclaration> imports, final JavaType typeToImport) {
        Validate.notNull(targetType, "Target type is required");
        final JavaPackage compilationUnitPackage = targetType.getPackage();
        Validate.notNull(imports, "Compilation unit imports required");
        Validate.notNull(typeToImport, "Java type to import is required");

        // If it's a primitive, it's really easy
        if (typeToImport.isPrimitive()) {
            return new NameExpr(typeToImport.getNameIncludingTypeParameters());

        // Handle if the type doesn't have a package at all
        if (typeToImport.isDefaultPackage()) {
            return new NameExpr(typeToImport.getSimpleTypeName());

        final JavaPackage typeToImportPackage = typeToImport.getPackage();
        if (typeToImportPackage.equals(compilationUnitPackage)) {         
            return new NameExpr(typeToImport.getSimpleTypeName());

        NameExpr typeToImportExpr;
        if (typeToImport.getEnclosingType() == null) {
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Related Classes of org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage

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