In addition to the normal methods defined by {@link Map}, this class offers the following convenience methods:
Inspired by {@link}. @author Arjen Poutsma @since 3.0
public void setRestTemplate(RestTemplate rt) { this.rt = rt; } private HttpHeaders getHeaders() { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("Accept", "application/json"); headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json"); headers.add("Zencoder-Api-Key", api_key); headers.add("User-Agent", "zencoder-java-2.0"); return headers; }
throw new ZencoderClientException( "Unable to serialize ZencoderCreateJobRequest as JSON", e); } HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>(body, headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
per_page = 50; } url = url + "?page=" + page + "&per_page=" + per_page; } HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderJobDetail getZencoderJob(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/jobs/" + id + ".json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderJobProgress getJobProgress(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/jobs/" + id + "/progress.json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderInputOutputProgress getInputProgress(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/inputs/" + id + "/progress.json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderInputOutputProgress getOutputProgress(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/outputs/" + id + "/progress.json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderMediaFile getInputDetails(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/inputs/" + id + ".json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public ZencoderMediaFile getOutputDetails(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/outputs/" + id + ".json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {
* @throws ZencoderClientException */ public void resubmitJob(String id) throws ZencoderClientException { String url = api_url + "/jobs/" + id + "/resubmit.json"; HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity<String>("", headers); try {