private FieldReference getReference(Field field, String name) {
Assert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null!");
ExposedField exposedField = exposedFields.getField(name);
if (exposedField != null) {
if (field != null) {
// we return a FieldReference to the given field directly to make sure that we reference the proper alias here.
return new FieldReference(new ExposedField(field, exposedField.isSynthetic()));
return new FieldReference(exposedField);
if (name.contains(".")) {
// for nested field references we only check that the root field exists.
ExposedField rootField = exposedFields.getField(name.split("\\.")[0]);
if (rootField != null) {
// We have to synthetic to true, in order to render the field-name as is.
return new FieldReference(new ExposedField(name, true));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid reference '%s'!", name));