+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to an array of storing elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
targetComponentType, converter);
return new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToArray(elementConverter));
} else if (converter.getTargetClass().isAssignableFrom(sourceComponentType)
&& converter instanceof TwoWayConverter) {
TwoWayConverter twoWay = (TwoWayConverter) converter;
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
targetComponentType, new ReverseConverter(twoWay));
return new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToArray(elementConverter));
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom ConversionExecutor with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from an array storing elements of type ["
+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to an array storing elements of type ["