if (item == null) {
if (store instanceof RepositoryRouter) {
RepositoryRouter repositoryRouter = (RepositoryRouter) store;
// item is either not present or is not here yet (remote index)
// the we can "simulate" what route would be used to get it, and just get info from the route
RequestRoute route;
try {
route = repositoryRouter.getRequestRouteForRequest(request);
catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
// this is thrown while getting routes for any path "outside" of legal ones is given
// like /content/foo/bar, since 2nd pathelem may be "repositories", "groups", "shadows", etc
// (depends on
// type of registered reposes)
return null;
// request would be processed by targeted repository
Repository itemRepository = route.getTargetedRepository();
// create an UID against that repository
itemUid = itemRepository.createUid(route.getRepositoryPath());
else if (store instanceof Repository) {
itemUid = ((Repository) store).createUid(request.getRequestPath());
else {