" SUKRUPA's CONCERNS: SUKRUPA and the area of its concern in the State of Karnataka in Southern India encompasses every conceivable element of development and its priorities are rural and urban poor, dalits, women and children. As for the geographic area, presently it is concerned about a cluster of slums in Bangalore city and a few villages in the rural suburb. " +
" The state of affairs with regard to children is a compelling factor, they being 40 % of our population and with every third household having a working child and every fourth child in the age group of 5 to 15 being employed. The women deemed as lesser beings are the most exploited in all walks of life and need to be empowered to enjoy their rightful status in the family and in the community.";
System.out.println("INPUT TEXT: ");
LingpipeTools sentTools = new LingpipeTools();
sentTools.setMaxCharsPerSentence(250); sentTools.setMinCharsPerSentence(150);
sentTools.buildSentences(text); String sentence; int i = 0;
while ( (sentence = sentTools.nextSentence()) != null)
{ System.out.println(" " + i + "( " + sentence.length() + " ) : " + sentence); i++; }