public void run()
//*-- read the filters file and get a generic handler to extract text
fileReadTime -= new Date().getTime();
Properties props = null; StarHandler sh = null;
try { props = new Properties(); props.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(Constants.FILTER_FILE)));
sh = new StarHandler(props); }
catch (IOException e) { crawlManager.cleanUp("Could not read filtersFile " + e.getMessage()); }
if (sh == null) crawlManager.cleanUp("The generic handler to filter files was not found");
//*-- read the document types file to classify documents into types - text, image, audio, book, letter, etc.
Properties dprops = null;
try { dprops = new Properties(); dprops.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(Constants.DOCTYPES_FILE))); }
catch (IOException e) { crawlManager.cleanUp("Could not read doctypesFile " + e.getMessage()); }
//*-- read the media suffixes and associated file types properties file
Properties mprops = new Properties();
try { mprops.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream( Constants.MEDIATYPES_FILE))); }
catch ( IOException e) { crawlManager.cleanUp("Could not read media types file " + e.getMessage()); }
fileReadTime += new Date().getTime();
currentDoc = crawlManager.getCurrentDoc(threadNum);
long startMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
logger.info("Free memory at start of scan: " + startMemory);
//*-- scan the list of files and process depending on thread number
String iDocument = ""; IndexableDoc idoc = null; boolean completed = false;
FILELOOP: while (!completed)
//*-- distribute the load evenly
if ( (++currentDoc % numThreads) != threadNum ) continue FILELOOP;
//*-- for a restart skip documents scanned earlier
if (currentDoc < crawlConfig.getStartPosition()) continue FILELOOP;
//*-- terminate if all files have been processed
if (currentDoc >= crawlManager.totalNumFiles() ) { completed = true; break FILELOOP; }
//*-- periodically synchronize the indexes
syncTime -= new Date().getTime();
long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
// if (freeMemory < startMemory) mergeIndexes(false);
if ( ( (currentDoc % 1000) == 0) && (docsProcessed > 0) ) mergeIndexes(false);
syncTime += new Date().getTime();
//*-- check if the document was indexed prior to the modification date of the file
iDocument = crawlManager.getFileName(currentDoc); initDoc(iDocument, tempDoc);
//logger.info(currentDoc + ": Started File: " + iDocument + "<----");
if (checkIndexed(iDocument)) continue FILELOOP;
//*-- extract the text from the document and create an indexable document
docFilterTime -= new Date().getTime();
sh.getDocument(iDocument, tempDoc);
docFilterTime += new Date().getTime();
//*-- get the signature of the document text and check for duplicates
if (duplicateDoc()) continue FILELOOP;