element.setIndentation(whitespaces, indent + indentCount, indentCount);
// Creating an SMOutputElement to be sure that the previous nested element tag is closed properly.
SMNamespace mathMLNamespace = element.getNamespace(ASTNode.URI_MATHML_DEFINITION, ASTNode.URI_MATHML_PREFIX);
SMOutputElement mathElement = element.addElement(mathMLNamespace, "math");
MathMLXMLStreamCompiler compiler = new MathMLXMLStreamCompiler(
writer, createIndentationString(indent + indentCount));
boolean isSBMLNamespaceNeeded = compiler.isSBMLNamespaceNeeded(m.getMath());
// TODO : add all other namespaces !!
if (isSBMLNamespaceNeeded) {
// writing the SBML namespace
SBMLDocument doc = null;
SBase sbase = m.getMath().getParentSBMLObject();
String sbmlNamespace = SBMLDocument.URI_NAMESPACE_L3V1Core;
if (sbase != null) {
doc = sbase.getSBMLDocument();
sbmlNamespace = doc.getSBMLDocumentNamespaces().get("xmlns");
if (sbmlNamespace == null) {
logger.warn("writeMathML : the SBML namespace of this SBMLDocument" +
" could not be found, using the default namespace (" +
SBMLDocument.URI_NAMESPACE_L3V1Core + ") instead.");
sbmlNamespace = SBMLDocument.URI_NAMESPACE_L3V1Core;
writer.writeNamespace("sbml", sbmlNamespace);
mathElement.setIndentation(createIndentationString(indent + 2), indent + indentCount, indentCount);