URL url = lFeed.getLink().toURL();
if (url != null) {
HTTPHEADInfo hi = null;
// Perform some checks to decide if the feed should
// be recollected.
// Check the modified date against the currently stored
// modified date.
boolean lCollect = true;
// Check for the protocol first.
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
if (protocol.equals("http")) {
try {
hi = org.rssowl.contrib.podcast.core.net.NetTask
.getHeadInfo(lFeed, url);
} catch (NetworkException e) {
lCollect = false;
} else {
// The HEAD information is irrelevant for non-HTTP
// protocol.
// CB TODO LOG mLog.info("Protocol not supported" + protocol);
// We do NOT collect if the the modified date hasn't
// changed.
if (pPBookMark.getHeaderInfo() != null
&& pPBookMark.getHeaderInfo().getModifiedString() != null
&& pPBookMark.getHeaderInfo().getModifiedString()
.equals(hi.getModifiedString())) {
lCollect = false;
// collect, if the file is not present.
// CB TODO We don't have file support in the current model.