public Module parse(Element element) {
if( element.getName().equals("channel") || element.getName().equals("feed") ){
return new PhotocastModuleImpl();
} else if( element.getChild( "metadata", Parser.NS ) == null && element.getChild( "image", Parser.NS ) == null )
return null;
PhotocastModule pm = new PhotocastModuleImpl();
List children = element.getChildren();
Iterator it = children.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
Element e = (Element);
if( !e.getNamespace().equals( Parser.NS ) )
if( e.getName().equals("photoDate") ){
pm.setPhotoDate( Parser.PHOTO_DATE_FORMAT.parse( e.getText() ) );
} catch( Exception ex ){
LOG.warning( "Unable to parse photoDate: "+ e.getText() + " "+ ex.toString());
} else if( e.getName().equals("cropDate") ) {
pm.setCropDate( Parser.CROP_DATE_FORMAT.parse( e.getText() ) );
} catch( Exception ex ){
LOG.warning( "Unable to parse cropDate: "+ e.getText() + " "+ ex.toString());
} else if( e.getName().equals("thumbnail") ) {
pm.setThumbnailUrl( new URL( e.getText() ) );
} catch( Exception ex ){
LOG.warning( "Unable to parse thumnail: "+ e.getText() + " "+ ex.toString());
} else if( e.getName().equals("image") ) {
pm.setImageUrl( new URL( e.getText() ) );
} catch( Exception ex ){
LOG.warning( "Unable to parse image: "+ e.getText() + " "+ ex.toString());
} else if( e.getName().equals("metadata") ) {
String comments = "";
PhotoDate photoDate = null;
if( e.getChildText( "PhotoDate") != null ){
photoDate = new PhotoDate( Double.parseDouble( e.getChildText("PhotoDate")));
} catch( Exception ex ){
LOG.warning( "Unable to parse PhotoDate: "+ e.getText() + " "+ ex.toString());
if( e.getChildText("Comments") != null ){
comments = e.getChildText("Comments");
pm.setMetadata( new Metadata( photoDate, comments) );
return pm;