using the Mozilla Rhino interpreter.
@author Mike Grogan
@author A. Sundararajan
@version 1.0
@since 1.6Modified for phobos to remove some of the restrictions. Modified to allow subclassing and preprocessing of script source code. Modified to avoid using the RhinoTopLevel class, since that introduces a circularity that prevents objects from being garbage collected.
@author Roberto ChinniciModified so that the top level scope is an ImportTopLevel instance so that importClass and importPackage functions are available. Modified so that the "print" and "println" functions work the same as with the stock javascript script engine provided by the JVM. Modified to include the "require()" function by default. Modified to tighten the security of the script execution by running it in an AccessControlContext active at the time of the script engine creation. Modified to allow correct interoperability between Java and javascript string even if represented by the custom ConsString instance.
@author Lukas Krejci