jbossPaths.setHomeDir(getPluginConfiguration().getSimpleValue(JBOSS_HOME_DIR_CONFIG_PROP, null));
jbossPaths.setServerDir(getPluginConfiguration().getSimpleValue(CONFIGURATION_PATH_CONFIG_PROP, null));
JBPMWorkflowManager workflowManager = new JBPMWorkflowManager(contentContext, controlFacade, jbossPaths);
this.contentFacetDelegate = new JBossASContentFacetDelegate(workflowManager, this.configPath);
// Attempt to load the connection now. If we cannot, do not consider the start operation as failed. The only
// exception to this rule is if the connection cannot be made due to a JMX security exception. In this case,
// we treat it as an invalid plugin configuration and throw the appropriate exception (see the javadoc for
// ResourceComponent)