Package org.rhq.plugins.apache.setup

Examples of org.rhq.plugins.apache.setup.ApacheTestSetup$ApacheSetup

                apacheConfigurationFiles = new String[] { "/augeas-leak-test-config/httpd.conf", "/snmpd.conf" };
                inventoryFile = null;

        setup = new ApacheTestSetup(this.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + "#testReadingConfigurationsDoesNotLeakAugeasReferences", apacheConfig.configurationName,
            new ResourceTypes(PluginLocation.APACHE_PLUGIN));

        Resource platform = UpgradeTestBase.discoverPlatform();
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        platform = discoverPlatform();

    protected void testUpgrade(String testMethod, ApacheTestConfiguration testConfiguration) throws Throwable {
        String testId = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + testMethod;
        final ApacheTestSetup setup = new ApacheTestSetup(testId, testConfiguration.configurationName, context,
        boolean testFailed = false;
        try {

            String[] configFiles = Arrays.copyOf(testConfiguration.apacheConfigurationFiles, testConfiguration.apacheConfigurationFiles.length + 1);
            configFiles[testConfiguration.apacheConfigurationFiles.length] = "/snmpd.conf";



            LOG.debug("---------------------------------------------------------- Starting the upgrade test for: "
                + testId);
            LOG.debug("Deployment configuration: " + setup.getDeploymentConfig());





            //ok, now we should see the resources upgraded in the fake server inventory.
            ResourceType serverResourceType = apacheResourceTypes.findByName("Apache HTTP Server");
            ResourceType vhostResourceType = apacheResourceTypes.findByName("Apache Virtual Host");

            Set<Resource> servers = setup.getFakeInventory().findResourcesByTypeAndStatus(serverResourceType, InventoryStatus.COMMITTED);

            assertEquals(servers.size(), 1, "There should be exactly one apache server discovered.");

            Resource server = servers.iterator().next();

            String expectedResourceKey = ApacheServerDiscoveryComponent.formatResourceKey(testConfiguration.serverRoot, testConfiguration.serverRoot
                + "/conf/httpd.conf");

            assertEquals(server.getResourceKey(), expectedResourceKey,
                "The server resource key doesn't seem to be upgraded.");

            Set<Resource> vhosts = setup.getFakeInventory().findResourcesByTypeAndStatus(vhostResourceType, InventoryStatus.COMMITTED);

            String[] expectedRKs = testConfiguration.getExpectedResourceKeysAfterUpgrade(setup);

            assertEquals(vhosts.size(), expectedRKs.length, "Unexpected number of vhosts discovered found");

            List<String> expectedResourceKeys = Arrays.asList(expectedRKs);

            for (Resource vhost : vhosts) {
                    "Unexpected virtual host resource key: '" + vhost.getResourceKey() + "'. Only expecting " + expectedResourceKeys);

            String[] expectedFailureRKs = testConfiguration.getExpectedResourceKeysWithFailures(setup);
            if (expectedFailureRKs != null && expectedFailureRKs.length > 0) {
                Set<Resource> failingResources = new HashSet<Resource>();

                for(String rk : expectedFailureRKs) {
                    for(Resource r : vhosts) {
                        if (rk.equals(r.getResourceKey())) {

                assertEquals(failingResources.size(), expectedFailureRKs.length, "Couldn't find all the resources that should have failed.");

                for(Resource failingResource : failingResources) {
                    List<ResourceError> errors = failingResource.getResourceErrors(ResourceErrorType.UPGRADE);
                    assertNotNull(errors, "The main vhost doesn't have any upgrade errors.");
                    assertEquals(errors.size(), 1, "There should be exactly one upgrade error on the main vhost.");

                //check that all other vhosts were not upgraded but have no errors
                for(Resource r : vhosts) {
                    if (failingResources.contains(r)) {

                    assertEquals(r.getResourceErrors(ResourceErrorType.UPGRADE).size(), 0, "Unexpected number of resource upgrade errors on vhost " + r);
            } else {
                for(Resource r : vhosts) {
                    assertEquals(r.getResourceErrors(ResourceErrorType.UPGRADE).size(), 0, "Unexpected number of resource upgrade errors on vhost " + r);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            testFailed = true;
            LOG.error("Error during test upgrade execution.", t);
            throw t;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (testFailed) {
                    LOG.error("Failed to stop apache.", e);
                } else {
                    throw e;
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Related Classes of org.rhq.plugins.apache.setup.ApacheTestSetup$ApacheSetup

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