GroupDefinitionAlreadyExistsException {
String name = (definition.getName() == null ? "" : definition.getName().trim());
String description = (definition.getDescription() == null ? "" : definition.getDescription().trim());
if (name.equals("")) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Name is a required property");
if (name.length() > 100) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Name is limited to 100 characters");
if (description.length() > 100) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Description is limited to 100 characters");
if (name.contains("<") || name.contains("$") || name.contains("'") || name.contains("{") || name.contains("[")) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Name must not contain <,$,',[,{ characters");
if (definition.getRecalculationInterval() < 0) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Recalculation interval cannot be negative");
if (definition.getRecalculationInterval() > 0 && definition.getRecalculationInterval() < 60 * 1000) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException(
"Recalculation interval cannot be a positive number lower than 1 minute (60000ms)");
if (definition.getExpression() == null || definition.getExpression().isEmpty()) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Expression is empty");
try {
ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator();
for (String expression : definition.getExpressionAsList()) {
} catch (InvalidExpressionException e) {
throw new GroupDefinitionException("Cannot parse the expression: " + e.getMessage());
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(GroupDefinition.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
query.setParameter("name", name);