ITestAnnotatedPojo pojo = agent1.getClientCommandSender().getClientRemotePojoFactory().getRemotePojo(
try {
// AutoDiscoveryException matches the throws clause - will not be wrapped
pojo.throwSpecificException(new AutoDiscoveryException("should not be wrapped"));
} catch (AutoDiscoveryException expected) {
assert expected.getMessage().equals("should not be wrapped");
try {
// IOException matches the throws clause - will not be wrapped
pojo.throwSpecificException(new IOException("should not be wrapped"));
} catch (IOException expected) {
assert expected.getMessage().equals("should not be wrapped");
try {
// IllegalArgumentException doesn't match throws but is a java.* runtime exception - will not be wrapped
pojo.throwSpecificException(new IllegalArgumentException("should not be wrapped"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
assert expected.getMessage().equals("should not be wrapped");
try {
// IllegalArgumentException doesn't match throws but it and its causes are java.* exceptions - will not be wrapped
pojo.throwSpecificException(new IllegalArgumentException("should not be wrapped", new Exception("inner 1",
new IllegalStateException("inner 2"))));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
assert expected.getMessage().equals("should not be wrapped");
assert expected.getCause() instanceof Exception;
assert expected.getCause().getMessage().equals("inner 1");
assert expected.getCause().getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException;
assert expected.getCause().getCause().getMessage().equals("inner 2");
try {
// AutoDiscoveryException match throws so we assume the developer knows what he is doing and only
// includes causes within it that are allowed to be sent over the wire - it is not wrapped
pojo.throwSpecificException(new AutoDiscoveryException("should not be wrapped", new CannotConnectException(
"inner exception")));
} catch (AutoDiscoveryException expected) {
assert expected.getMessage().equals("should not be wrapped");
assert expected.getCause() instanceof CannotConnectException;
assert expected.getCause().getMessage().equals("inner exception");