PropertyList commands = new PropertyList("commands");
for (Map.Entry<String, Calltime> data : allData.entrySet()) {
String commandName = data.getKey();
Calltime calltime = data.getValue(); // do not alter the values in here, its a shallow copy
// If successes is 0, the Callback values will have Long.MIN/MAX_VALUE for maximum and minimum times.
// But if successes is 0, we know we can't have valid values anyway, so just zero them out.
long minimum = 0;
long maximum = 0;
long average = 0;
if (calltime.getSuccesses() > 0) {
minimum = calltime.getMinimum();
maximum = calltime.getMaximum();
average = calltime.getAverage();
PropertyMap command = new PropertyMap("command", //
new PropertySimple("command", commandName), //
new PropertySimple("totalCount", calltime.getCount()), //
new PropertySimple("successCount", calltime.getSuccesses()), //
new PropertySimple("failureCount", calltime.getFailures()), //
new PropertySimple("droppedCount", calltime.getDropped()), //
new PropertySimple("notProcessedCount", calltime.getNotProcessed()), //
new PropertySimple("executionMinTime", minimum), //
new PropertySimple("executionMaxTime", maximum), //
new PropertySimple("executionAvgTime", average));