Package org.rhq.core.domain.measurement

Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementUnits

        DataType dataType = DataType.valueOf(metricDescriptor.getDataType().toUpperCase());
        DisplayType displayType = DisplayType.valueOf(metricDescriptor.getDisplayType().toUpperCase());

        long collectionInterval = MINUTE_30;
        MeasurementUnits units = getMeasurementUnits(metricDescriptor.getUnits(), dataType);

        switch (dataType) {
        case MEASUREMENT: {
            switch (resourceType.getCategory()) {
            case PLATFORM: {
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        final StaticTextItem resultsUnitItem = new StaticTextItem("resultsUnits", "Results Units");

        ButtonItem button = new ButtonItem("convertItem", "Convert");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                MeasurementUnits units = MeasurementUnits.valueOf(unitsMenu.getValueAsString());
                String value = textItem.getValueAsString();
                MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits vu = MeasurementParser.parse(value, units);
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        return nf;

    public static Double scale(MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits origin, MeasurementUnits targetUnits)
        throws MeasurementConversionException {
        MeasurementUnits originUnits = origin.getUnits();
        Double originValue = origin.getValue();

        return originValue * MeasurementUnits.calculateOffset(originUnits, targetUnits);
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        if (origin < 0) {
            wasNegative = true;
            origin = -origin;

        MeasurementUnits baseUnit = targetUnits.getBaseUnits();
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, baseUnit);

        Double results = scale(valueAndUnits, targetUnits);
        if (wasNegative) {
            results = -results;
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    public static String[] formatToSignificantPrecision(double[] values, MeasurementUnits targetUnits, boolean bestFit) {
        if ((null == values) || (values.length == 0)) {
            return null;

        MeasurementUnits originalUnits = targetUnits;

         * in the overwhelming majority of cases, you're going to want to apply a bestFit
         * to the passed data, but it's not required; it's perfectly possible to allow a
         * list of doubles to be formatted without being fit, in which case the targetUnits
         * will be part of the formatted display for each result element
        if (bestFit) {
            // find bestFit units by taking the average
            Double average = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0, sz = values.length; i < sz; i++) {
                 * adding fractional amount iterative leads to greater
                 * error, but prevents overflow on large data sets
                average += (values[i] / sz);

            MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits fittedAverage = fit(average, targetUnits);
            //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
            MeasurementUnits fittedUnits = fittedAverage.getUnits();

             * and change the local reference to targetUnits, so that the same logic
             * can be used both for the bestFit and non-bestFit computations
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    public static String scaleAndFormat(Double origin, MeasurementUnits targetUnits, boolean bestFit ) throws MeasurementConversionException {

        MeasurementUnits baseUnits = targetUnits.getBaseUnits();
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, baseUnits);
        Double scaledMagnitude = scale(valueAndUnits, targetUnits);

        return format(scaledMagnitude, targetUnits, bestFit);
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            if (nextOrdinal == maxOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get bigger, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits biggerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (biggerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as big as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double smallerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, biggerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(smallerValue, biggerUnits);
        } while (nextValueAndUnits.getValue() > 1.0);

        // next, make the value bigger if it's too small
        int minOrdinal = (lowUnits != null) ? (lowUnits.ordinal() - 1) : -1;

        while (currentValueAndUnits.getValue() < 1.0) {
            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() - 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == minOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get smaller, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits smallerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (smallerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as small as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double biggerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, smallerUnits);
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        // if there is no value or its empty, assume that is OK and will be considered a 0
        if (value == null || value.toString().trim().length() == 0) {
            return true;

        MeasurementUnits unitsToUse = this.units;

        if (unitsToUse == null) {
            // units weren't directly given to us, find it from the selected metric definition
            try {
                String idString = metricDropDownMenu.getValueAsString();
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            if (nextOrdinal == maxOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get bigger, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits biggerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (biggerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as big as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double smallerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, biggerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(smallerValue, biggerUnits);
        } while (nextValueAndUnits.getValue() > 1.0);

        // next, make the value bigger if it's too small
        int minOrdinal = (lowUnits != null) ? (lowUnits.ordinal() - 1) : -1;

        while (currentValueAndUnits.getValue() < 1.0) {
            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() - 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == minOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get smaller, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits smallerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (smallerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as small as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double biggerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, smallerUnits);
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        return currentValueAndUnits;

    public static Double scale(MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits origin, MeasurementUnits targetUnits)
        throws MeasurementConversionException {
        MeasurementUnits originUnits = origin.getUnits();
        Double originValue = origin.getValue();

        return originValue * MeasurementUnits.calculateOffset(originUnits, targetUnits);
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Related Classes of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementUnits

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