createAlertDefinitionWithAvailChangeCondition(resource.getId(), AlertConditionOperator.AVAIL_GOES_NOT_UP);
// resource has initial UNKNOWN ResourceAvailability and no Availability records. simulate an avail report
// coming from the agent and setting the initial avail to UP.
AvailabilityReport availReport = new AvailabilityReport(AGENT_NAME);
availReport.addAvailability(new Datum(resource.getId(), AvailabilityType.UP, System.currentTimeMillis()));
AvailabilityManagerLocal availManager = LookupUtil.getAvailabilityManager();
// wait for our JMS messages to process and see if we get any alerts
PageList<Alert> alerts = getAlerts(resource.getId());
assert alerts.size() == 0 : "No alert should have fired on the initial avail reporting: " + alerts;
// Now simulate the down avail
availReport = new AvailabilityReport(AGENT_NAME);
.addAvailability(new Datum(resource.getId(), AvailabilityType.DOWN, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10));
// wait for our JMS messages to process and see if we get any alerts
final PageList<Alert> finalAlerts = alerts;
timedAssertion(new AssertUtils.BooleanCondition() {