compatibleGroup.getId(), memberConfigs);
// instead of sleeping, let's directly execute what would normally be scheduled
GroupPluginConfigurationUpdate update = configurationManager.getGroupPluginConfigurationById(groupUpdateId);
assert update != null : "Group plugin configuration update should not have been null";
int i = 0;
for (PluginConfigurationUpdate childUpdate : update.getConfigurationUpdates()) {
Configuration childUpdateConfiguration = childUpdate.getConfiguration();
assert childUpdateConfiguration.equals(expectedGroupConfigurationResults) : "new updateChildConfig["
+ i + "] was: " + childUpdateConfiguration + ", " + "expected was: "
+ expectedGroupConfigurationResults;
Configuration configurationAfterGroupUpdate1 = configurationManager.getPluginConfiguration(overlord,
Configuration configurationAfterGroupUpdate2 = configurationManager.getPluginConfiguration(overlord,
ConfigurationUpdateStatus expectedResultStatus = null;
if (failOnChildUpdates) {
expectedResultStatus = ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE;
} else {
expectedResultStatus = ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS;
assert configurationAfterGroupUpdate1.equals(expectedGroupConfigurationResults) : "new config1 was: "
+ configurationAfterGroupUpdate1 + ", " + "expected was: " + expectedGroupConfigurationResults;
assert configurationAfterGroupUpdate2.equals(expectedGroupConfigurationResults) : "new config2 was: "
+ configurationAfterGroupUpdate2 + ", " + "expected was: " + expectedGroupConfigurationResults;
assert update.getStatus() == expectedResultStatus : "Group plugin configuration update "
+ "should have been marked as " + expectedResultStatus + ": " + update;
/* end group modification */
} catch (Exception e) {