"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform' version='1.0'>"
+ "<xsl:template match ='/'><newroot/></xsl:template></xsl:transform>",
TransformRepresentation transRep = new TransformRepresentation(comp
.getContext(), xml, xslt);
// create a test-stream representation to be returned when the correct
// code is presented
String testCode = "rnd." + (new Random()).nextInt();
String testData = "\"The resolver is doing OK\", said the testclass "
+ MY_NAME + ".";
Representation testRep = new StringRepresentation(testData);
SimpleUriMapApplication testApp = new SimpleUriMapApplication();
testApp.add(testCode, testRep);
comp.getInternalRouter().attach("/testApp/", testApp);
String testBase = "riap://component/testApp";
URIResolver uriResolver = transRep.getUriResolver();
assertNotNull("no resolver present!", uriResolver);
String baseUri = testBase + "/dummy";
AssertResolvingHelper test = new AssertResolvingHelper(baseUri,