Package org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core

Examples of org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.CallContext

        final Response response = new Response(request);
        final CallContext callContext = new CallContext(request, response);
        final ThreadLocalizedContext tlContext = new ThreadLocalizedContext();
        return new ThreadLocalizedUriInfo(tlContext);
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        // 1. if the Response contains a MediaType, use it.
        if (jaxRsResponseMediaType != null)
            return jaxRsResponseMediaType;
        if (resourceMethod == null)
            return MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN;
        CallContext callContext = tlContext.get();
        // 2. Gather the set of producible media types P:
        // (a) + (b)
        Collection<MediaType> p = resourceMethod.getProducedMimes();
        // 2. (c)
        if (p.isEmpty()) {
            p = providers.writerSubSet(entityClass, genericReturnType)
            // 3.
            if (p.isEmpty())
                // '*/*', in conjunction with 8.:
                return MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM;
        // 4. Obtain the acceptable media types A.
        SortedMetadata<MediaType> a = callContext.getAccMediaTypes();
        // 4. If A = {}, set A = {'*/*'}
        if (a.isEmpty())
            a = SortedMetadata.getMediaTypeAll();
        // 5. Sort P and A (A is already sorted)
        List<MediaType> pSorted = sortByConcreteness(p);
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        request.setRootRef(new Reference(baseRef.toString()));
        // NICE Normally, the "rootRef" property is set by the VirtualHost, each
        // time a request is handled by one of its routes.
        // Email from Jerome, 2008-09-22
        try {
            CallContext callContext;
            callContext = new CallContext(request, response);
            try {
                ResObjAndMeth resObjAndMeth;
                resObjAndMeth = requestMatching();
                ResourceMethod resourceMethod = resObjAndMeth.resourceMethod;
                resourceObject = resObjAndMeth.resourceObject;
                Object result = invokeMethod(resourceMethod, resourceObject);
                handleResult(result, resourceMethod);
            } catch (WebApplicationException e) {
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     *             Resource Method for OPTIONS is available.
     * @throws ResourceMethodNotFoundException
    private ResObjAndMeth identifyMethod(ResObjAndRemPath resObjAndRemPath,
            MediaType givenMediaType) throws RequestHandledException {
        CallContext callContext = tlContext.get(); httpMethod = callContext.getRequest()
        // 3. Identify the method that will handle the request:
        // (a)
        ResourceObject resObj = resObjAndRemPath.resourceObject;
        RemainingPath u = resObjAndRemPath.u;
        // (a) 1
        ResourceClass resourceClass = resObj.getResourceClass();
        Collection<ResourceMethod> resourceMethods = resourceClass
        if (resourceMethods.isEmpty())
            excHandler.resourceMethodNotFound();// NICE (resourceClass, u);
        // (a) 2: remove methods not support the given method
        boolean alsoGet = httpMethod.equals(Method.HEAD);
        removeNotSupportedHttpMethod(resourceMethods, httpMethod, alsoGet);
        if (resourceMethods.isEmpty()) {
            Set<Method> allowedMethods = resourceClass.getAllowedMethods(u);
            if (httpMethod.equals(Method.OPTIONS)) {
                throw new RequestHandledException();
        // (a) 3
        if (givenMediaType != null) {
            Collection<ResourceMethod> supporting = resourceMethods;
            resourceMethods = new ArrayList<ResourceMethod>();
            for (ResourceMethod resourceMethod : supporting) {
                if (resourceMethod.isGivenMediaTypeSupported(givenMediaType))
            if (resourceMethods.isEmpty())
        // (a) 4
        SortedMetadata<MediaType> accMediaTypes = callContext
        Collection<ResourceMethod> supporting = resourceMethods;
        resourceMethods = new ArrayList<ResourceMethod>();
        for (ResourceMethod resourceMethod : supporting) {
            if (resourceMethod.isAcceptedMediaTypeSupported(accMediaTypes))
        if (resourceMethods.isEmpty()) {
        // (b) and (c)
        ResourceMethod bestResourceMethod = getBestMethod(resourceMethods,
                givenMediaType, accMediaTypes, httpMethod);
        MatchingResult mr = bestResourceMethod.getPathRegExp().match(u);
        addPathVarsToMap(mr, callContext);
        String matchedUriPart = mr.getMatched();
        if (matchedUriPart.length() > 0) {
            Object jaxRsResObj = resObj.getJaxRsResourceObject();
            callContext.addForMatched(jaxRsResObj, matchedUriPart);
        return new ResObjAndMeth(resObj, bestResourceMethod);
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            RroRemPathAndMatchedPath rroRemPathAndMatchedPath)
            throws WebApplicationException, RequestHandledException {
        ResourceObject o = rroRemPathAndMatchedPath.rootResObj;
        RemainingPath u = rroRemPathAndMatchedPath.u;
        ResourceClass resClass = o.getResourceClass();
        CallContext callContext = tlContext.get();
        // Part 2
        for (;;) // (j)
            // (a) If U is null or '/' go to step 3
            if (u.isEmptyOrSlash()) {
                return new ResObjAndRemPath(o, u);
            // (b) Set C = class ofO,E = {}
            Collection<ResourceMethodOrLocator> eWithMethod = new ArrayList<ResourceMethodOrLocator>();
            // (c) and (d) Filter E: remove members do not match U or final
            // match not empty
            for (ResourceMethodOrLocator methodOrLocator : resClass
                    .getResourceMethodsAndLocators()) {
                PathRegExp pathRegExp = methodOrLocator.getPathRegExp();
                MatchingResult matchingResult = pathRegExp.match(u);
                if (matchingResult == null)
                if (matchingResult.getFinalCapturingGroup().isEmptyOrSlash())
                // the following is added by Stephan (is not in spec 2008-03-06)
                else if (methodOrLocator instanceof SubResourceLocator)
            // (e) If E is empty -> HTTP 404
            if (eWithMethod.isEmpty())
                excHandler.resourceNotFound();// NICE (o.getClass(), u);
            // (f) and (g) sort E, use first member of E
            ResourceMethodOrLocator firstMeth = getFirstByNoOfLiteralCharsNoOfCapturingGroups(eWithMethod);

            PathRegExp rMatch = firstMeth.getPathRegExp();
            MatchingResult matchingResult = rMatch.match(u);

            addPathVarsToMap(matchingResult, callContext);

            // (h) When Method is resource method
            if (firstMeth instanceof ResourceMethod)
                return new ResObjAndRemPath(o, u);
            String matchedUriPart = matchingResult.getMatched();
            Object jaxRsResObj = o.getJaxRsResourceObject();
            callContext.addForMatched(jaxRsResObj, matchedUriPart);

            // (g) and (i)
            u = matchingResult.getFinalCapturingGroup();
            SubResourceLocator subResourceLocator = (SubResourceLocator) firstMeth;
            o = createSubResource(o, subResourceLocator, callContext);
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            this.matrixParam = matrixParam;

        public Object getParamValue() {
            final CallContext callContext = this.tlContext.get();
            try {
                if (this.collType == null) { // no collection parameter
                    final String matrixParamValue = callContext
                    return convertParamValue(matrixParamValue);
                Iterator<String> matrixParamValues;
                matrixParamValues = callContext
                return convertParamValues(matrixParamValues);
            } catch (ConvertParameterException e) {
                throw new ConvertMatrixParamException(e);
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            return new PathSegmentImpl(pathSegmentEnc, this.decoding(), -1);

        public Object getParamValue() {
            final CallContext callContext = this.tlContext.get();
            if (this.convertTo.equals(PathSegment.class)) {
                if (this.collType == null) { // no collection parameter
                    final String pathSegmentEnc = callContext
                    return createPathSegment(pathSegmentEnc);
                final Iterator<String> pathSegmentEncIter;
                pathSegmentEncIter = callContext
                final Collection<Object> coll = createColl();
                while (pathSegmentEncIter.hasNext()) {
                    final String pathSegmentEnc =;
                if (this.isArray) {
                    return Util.toArray(coll, this.convertTo);

                return unmodifiable(coll);
            try {
                final String pathParamValue;
                pathParamValue = callContext.getLastPathParamEnc(pathParam);
                return convertParamValue(pathParamValue);
            } catch (ConvertParameterException e) {
                throw new ConvertPathParamException(e);
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Related Classes of org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.CallContext

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