Package org.restlet

Examples of org.restlet.Component

   * Starts the server.
  public synchronized void start()
    throws Exception
    component = new Component();
    component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, port);
    if (sslPort > 0) {
      Server httpsServer = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, sslPort);
      Series<Parameter> httpsParameters = httpsServer.getContext().getParameters();
      copySystemProperty("", httpsParameters, "keystorePath");
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    private Boolean reuseAddress;
    private boolean disableStreamCache;
    private int port;

    public RestletComponent() {
        this(new Component());
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  void startServer()
  {"zkDataTransferServer starting on Port " + _localWebservicePort + " zkAddress " + _zkAddress);
    _component = new Component();
    _component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, _localWebservicePort);
    Context applicationContext = _component.getContext().createChildContext();
    applicationContext.getAttributes().put(SERVER, this);
    applicationContext.getAttributes().put(PORT, "" + _localWebservicePort);
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  {"helixAdminWebApp starting");
    if(_component == null)
      _zkClient = new ZkClient(_zkServerAddress,  ZkClient.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT, ZkClient.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new ZNRecordSerializer());
      _component =  new Component();
      _component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, _helixAdminPort);
      Context applicationContext = _component.getContext().createChildContext();
      applicationContext.getAttributes().put(RestAdminApplication.ZKSERVERADDRESS, _zkServerAddress);
      applicationContext.getAttributes().put(RestAdminApplication.PORT, ""+_helixAdminPort);
      applicationContext.getAttributes().put(RestAdminApplication.ZKCLIENT, _zkClient);
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    StringRepresentation presentation = null;
      logger.debug("in represent, stopping service");
      Component component = (Component)_context.getAttributes().get(MockEspressoService.COMPONENT_NAME);
      EspressoStorageMockNode mock = (EspressoStorageMockNode)_context.getAttributes().get(MockEspressoService.CONTEXT_MOCK_NODE_NAME);
      presentation = new StringRepresentation("Stopping in 1 second", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
      Thread stopper = new Thread(new StopThread(component, mock));
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    else {
      logger.debug("_mockNode not null");
    if (_mockNode != null) {
      // start web server with the zkServer address
      _component = new Component();
      _component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, _serverPort);
      // Attach the application to the component and start it
      _component.getDefaultHost().attach(this); //(application);
      _context.getAttributes().put(COMPONENT_NAME, (Object)_component);
     // _context.getParameters().set("maxTotalConnections", "16",true);
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    private Integer threadMaxIdleTimeMs;
    private Boolean useForwardedForHeader;
    private Boolean reuseAddress;

    public RestletComponent() {
        this(new Component());
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     * @return The newly created Component or null if unable to create.
    protected Component createComponent() {
        Component component = null;

        // Look for the Component XML configuration file.
        Client client = createWarClient(new Context(), getServletConfig());
        Response response = client.get("war:///WEB-INF/restlet.xml");
        if (response.getStatus().isSuccess() && response.isEntityAvailable()) {
            component = new Component(response.getEntity());

        // Look for the component class name specified in the web.xml file.
        if (component == null) {
            // Try to instantiate a new target component
            // First, find the component class name
            final String componentClassName = getInitParameter(COMPONENT_KEY,

            // Load the component class using the given class name
            if (componentClassName != null) {
                try {
                    final Class<?> targetClass = loadClass(componentClassName);

                    // Create a new instance of the component class by
                    // invoking the constructor with the Context parameter.
                    component = (Component) targetClass.newInstance();
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                            "[Noelios Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet couldn't find the target class. Please check that your classpath includes "
                                    + componentClassName, e);
                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                            "[Noelios Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet couldn't instantiate the target class. Please check this class has an empty constructor "
                                    + componentClassName, e);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                            "[Noelios Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet couldn't instantiate the target class. Please check that you have to proper access rights to "
                                    + componentClassName, e);

        // Create the default Component
        if (component == null) {
            component = new Component();

            // The status service is disabled by default.

            // Define the list of supported client protocols.
            final String clientProtocolsString = getInitParameter(CLIENTS_KEY,
            if (clientProtocolsString != null) {
                final String[] clientProtocols = clientProtocolsString
                        .split(" ");
                for (final String clientProtocol : clientProtocols) {

        // Complete the configuration of the Component
        // Add the WAR client
                createWarClient(component.getContext(), getServletConfig()));

        // Copy all the servlet parameters into the context
        final ComponentContext componentContext = (ComponentContext) component
        String initParam;

        // Copy all the Servlet container initialization parameters
        final javax.servlet.ServletConfig servletConfig = getServletConfig();
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     *            The HTTP Servlet request.
     * @return The new HTTP server handling calls.
    protected HttpServerHelper createServer(HttpServletRequest request) {
        HttpServerHelper result = null;
        final Component component = getComponent();

        if (component != null) {
            // First, let's create a pseudo server
            final Server server = new Server(component.getContext()
                    .createChildContext(), (List<Protocol>) null, request
                    .getLocalAddr(), request.getLocalPort(), component);
            result = new HttpServerHelper(server);

            // Attach the hosted application(s) to the right path
            final String uriPattern = request.getContextPath()
                    + request.getServletPath();

            if (isDefaultComponent()) {
                if (this.application != null) {
                    log("[Noelios Restlet Engine] - Attaching application: "
                            + this.application + " to URI: " + uriPattern);
            } else {
                // According to the mode, configure correctly the component.
                final String autoWire = getInitParameter(AUTO_WIRE_KEY,
                if (AUTO_WIRE_KEY_DEFAULT.equalsIgnoreCase(autoWire)) {
                    // Translate all defined routes as much as possible
                    // with the context path only or the full servlet path.

                    // 1- get the offset
                    boolean addContextPath = false;
                    boolean addFullServletPath = false;

                    if (component.getDefaultHost().getRoutes().isEmpty()) {
                        // Case where the default host has a default route (with
                        // an empty pattern).
                        addFullServletPath = component.getDefaultHost()
                                .getDefaultRoute() != null;
                    } else {
                        for (final Route route : component.getDefaultHost()
                                .getRoutes()) {
                            if (route.getTemplate().getPattern() == null) {
                                addFullServletPath = true;

                            if (!route.getTemplate().getPattern().startsWith(
                                    uriPattern)) {
                                if (!route.getTemplate().getPattern()
                                        .startsWith(request.getServletPath())) {
                                    addFullServletPath = true;
                                } else {
                                    addContextPath = true;
                    if (!addContextPath) {
                        for (final VirtualHost virtualHost : component
                                .getHosts()) {
                            if (virtualHost.getRoutes().isEmpty()) {
                                // Case where the default host has a default
                                // route (with an empty pattern).
                                addFullServletPath = virtualHost
                                        .getDefaultRoute() != null;
                            } else {
                                for (final Route route : virtualHost
                                        .getRoutes()) {
                                    if (route.getTemplate().getPattern() == null) {
                                        addFullServletPath = true;

                                    if (!route.getTemplate().getPattern()
                                            .startsWith(uriPattern)) {
                                        if (!route
                                                                .getServletPath())) {
                                            addFullServletPath = true;
                                        } else {
                                            addContextPath = true;
                            if (addContextPath) {

                    // 2- Translate all routes.
                    if (addContextPath || addFullServletPath) {
                        String offsetPath = null;

                        if (addContextPath) {
                            offsetPath = request.getContextPath();
                        } else {
                            offsetPath = uriPattern;

                        // Shift the default route (if any) of the default host
                        Route defaultRoute = component.getDefaultHost()
                        if (defaultRoute != null) {
                                            + defaultRoute.getTemplate()
                            log("[Noelios Restlet Engine] - Attaching restlet: "
                                    + defaultRoute.getNext()
                                    + " to URI: "
                                    + offsetPath
                                    + defaultRoute.getTemplate().getPattern());

                        // Shift the routes of the default host
                        for (final Route route : component.getDefaultHost()
                                .getRoutes()) {
                            log("[Noelios Restlet Engine] - Attaching restlet: "
                                    + route.getNext()
                                    + " to URI: "
                                    + offsetPath
                                    + route.getTemplate().getPattern());
                                            + route.getTemplate().getPattern());
                        for (final VirtualHost virtualHost : component
                                .getHosts()) {
                            // Shift the default route (if any) of the virtual
                            // host
                            defaultRoute = virtualHost.getDefaultRoute();
                            if (defaultRoute != null) {
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     * Returns the component. It creates a new one if none exists.
     * @return The component.
    public Component getComponent() {
        Component result = this.component;

        if (result == null) {
            synchronized (ServerServlet.class) {
                if (result == null) {
                    // Find the attribute name to use to store the component
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Related Classes of org.restlet.Component

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