Package org.quartz.core

Examples of org.quartz.core.SchedulingContext

        if (_isSqlServer)
            jobStore.setSelectWithLockSQL("SELECT * FROM {0}LOCKS UPDLOCK WHERE LOCK_NAME = ?");

        JTAJobRunShellFactory jrsf = new JTAJobRunShellFactory(_txm);

        SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

        QuartzSchedulerResources qrs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();

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     *           if the remote scheduler could not be reached.
    public void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName,
            String schedulerInstanceId, String rmiBindName, String rmiHost, int rmiPort)
        throws SchedulerException {
        SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

        String uid = (rmiBindName != null) ? rmiBindName :
                schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId);

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        // Currently only one run-shell factory is available...
        JobRunShellFactory jrsf = new StdJobRunShellFactory();

        // Fire everything up
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

        QuartzSchedulerResources qrs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();

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                        if (getDelegate().selectTriggerState(conn, triggerKey.getName(), triggerKey.getGroup()).
                                equals(STATE_COMPLETE)) {
                            List firedTriggers =
                                getDelegate().selectFiredTriggerRecords(conn, triggerKey.getName(), triggerKey.getGroup());
                            if (firedTriggers.isEmpty()) {
                                SchedulingContext schedulingContext = new SchedulingContext();
                                if (removeTrigger(conn, schedulingContext, triggerKey.getName(), triggerKey.getGroup())) {
View Full Code Here


        JobStore js = null;
        ThreadPool tp = null;
        QuartzScheduler qs = null;
        SchedulingContext schedCtxt = null;
        DBConnectionManager dbMgr = null;
        String instanceIdGeneratorClass = null;
        Properties tProps = null;
        String userTXLocation = null;
        boolean wrapJobInTx = false;
        boolean autoId = false;
        long idleWaitTime = -1;
        long dbFailureRetry = -1;
        String classLoadHelperClass;
        String jobFactoryClass;

        SchedulerRepository schedRep = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();

        // Get Scheduler Properties
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String schedName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_NAME,

        String threadName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_THREAD_NAME,
                schedName + "_QuartzSchedulerThread");

        String schedInstId = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_ID,

        if (schedInstId.equals(AUTO_GENERATE_INSTANCE_ID)) {
            autoId = true;
            instanceIdGeneratorClass = cfg.getStringProperty(

        userTXLocation = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_USER_TX_URL,
        if (userTXLocation != null && userTXLocation.trim().length() == 0) {
            userTXLocation = null;

        classLoadHelperClass = cfg.getStringProperty(
        wrapJobInTx = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_WRAP_JOB_IN_USER_TX,

        jobFactoryClass = cfg.getStringProperty(
                PROP_SCHED_JOB_FACTORY_CLASS, null);

        idleWaitTime = cfg.getLongProperty(PROP_SCHED_IDLE_WAIT_TIME,
        dbFailureRetry = cfg.getLongProperty(
                PROP_SCHED_DB_FAILURE_RETRY_INTERVAL, dbFailureRetry);

        boolean makeSchedulerThreadDaemon =

        boolean threadsInheritInitalizersClassLoader =

        boolean jmxExport = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_EXPORT);
        boolean jmxProxy = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY);
        String jmxProxyClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY_CLASS);
        String jmxObjectName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_OBJECT_NAME);

        boolean rmiExport = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_EXPORT, false);
        boolean rmiProxy = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_PROXY, false);
        String rmiHost = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_HOST, "localhost");
        int rmiPort = cfg.getIntProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_PORT, 1099);
        int rmiServerPort = cfg.getIntProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_SERVER_PORT, -1);
        String rmiCreateRegistry = cfg.getStringProperty(
        String rmiBindName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_BIND_NAME);

        if (jmxProxy && rmiProxy) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException("Cannot proxy both RMI and JMX.");

        Properties schedCtxtProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_CONTEXT_PREFIX, true);

        // If Proxying to remote scheduler, short-circuit here...
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        if (rmiProxy) {

            if (autoId) {
                schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;

            schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

            String uid = (rmiBindName == null) ? QuartzSchedulerResources.getUniqueIdentifier(
                    schedName, schedInstId) : rmiBindName;

            RemoteScheduler remoteScheduler = new RemoteScheduler(schedCtxt,
                    uid, rmiHost, rmiPort);


            return remoteScheduler;

        // Create class load helper
        ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = null;
        try {
            loadHelper = (ClassLoadHelper) loadClass(classLoadHelperClass)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException(
                    "Unable to instantiate class load helper class: "
                            + e.getMessage(), e);

        // If Proxying to remote JMX scheduler, short-circuit here...
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        if (jmxProxy) {
            if (autoId) {
                schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;

            if (jmxProxyClass == null) {
                throw new SchedulerConfigException("No JMX Proxy Scheduler class provided");

            RemoteMBeanScheduler jmxScheduler = null;
            try {
                jmxScheduler = (RemoteMBeanScheduler)loadHelper.loadClass(jmxProxyClass)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SchedulerConfigException(
                        "Unable to instantiate RemoteMBeanScheduler class.", e);

            schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

            if (jmxObjectName == null) {
                jmxObjectName = QuartzSchedulerResources.generateJMXObjectName(schedName, schedInstId);


            tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY, true);
            try {
                setBeanProps(jmxScheduler, tProps);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("RemoteMBeanScheduler class '"
                        + jmxProxyClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;



            return jmxScheduler;

        JobFactory jobFactory = null;
        if(jobFactoryClass != null) {
            try {
                jobFactory = (JobFactory) loadHelper.loadClass(jobFactoryClass)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SchedulerConfigException(
                        "Unable to instantiate JobFactory class: "
                                + e.getMessage(), e);

            tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_JOB_FACTORY_PREFIX, true);
            try {
                setBeanProps(jobFactory, tProps);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("JobFactory class '"
                        + jobFactoryClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;

        InstanceIdGenerator instanceIdGenerator = null;
        if(instanceIdGeneratorClass != null) {
            try {
                instanceIdGenerator = (InstanceIdGenerator) loadHelper.loadClass(instanceIdGeneratorClass)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SchedulerConfigException(
                        "Unable to instantiate InstanceIdGenerator class: "
                        + e.getMessage(), e);

            tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_ID_GENERATOR_PREFIX, true);
            try {
                setBeanProps(instanceIdGenerator, tProps);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("InstanceIdGenerator class '"
                        + instanceIdGeneratorClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;

        // Get ThreadPool Properties
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String tpClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_THREAD_POOL_CLASS, null);

        if (tpClass == null) {
            initException = new SchedulerException(
                    "ThreadPool class not specified. ",
            throw initException;

        try {
            tp = (ThreadPool) loadHelper.loadClass(tpClass).newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '"
                    + tpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;
        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_THREAD_POOL_PREFIX, true);
        try {
            setBeanProps(tp, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '"
                    + tpClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;

        // Get JobStore Properties
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String jsClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_JOB_STORE_CLASS,

        if (jsClass == null) {
            initException = new SchedulerException(
                    "JobStore class not specified. ",
            throw initException;

        try {
            js = (JobStore) loadHelper.loadClass(jsClass).newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass
                    + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;

        SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(js, schedName, schedInstId);

        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_STORE_PREFIX, true, new String[] {PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_PREFIX});
        try {
            setBeanProps(js, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass
                    + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;

        if (js instanceof JobStoreSupport) {
            // Install custom lock handler (Semaphore)
            String lockHandlerClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_CLASS);
            if (lockHandlerClass != null) {
                try {
                    Semaphore lockHandler = (Semaphore)loadHelper.loadClass(lockHandlerClass).newInstance();

                    tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_PREFIX, true);

                    // If this lock handler requires the table prefix, add it to its properties.
                    if (lockHandler instanceof TablePrefixAware) {
                            PROP_TABLE_PREFIX, ((JobStoreSupport)js).getTablePrefix());

                    try {
                        setBeanProps(lockHandler, tProps);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore LockHandler class '" + lockHandlerClass
                                + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                        throw initException;

                    getLog().info("Using custom data access locking (synchronization): " + lockHandlerClass);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore LockHandler class '" + lockHandlerClass
                            + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                    throw initException;

        // Set up any DataSources
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String[] dsNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_DATASOURCE_PREFIX);
        for (int i = 0; i < dsNames.length; i++) {
            PropertiesParser pp = new PropertiesParser(cfg.getPropertyGroup(
                    PROP_DATASOURCE_PREFIX + "." + dsNames[i], true));

            String cpClass = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_CONNECTION_PROVIDER_CLASS, null);

            // custom connectionProvider...
            if(cpClass != null) {
                ConnectionProvider cp = null;
                try {
                    cp = (ConnectionProvider) loadHelper.loadClass(cpClass).newInstance();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass
                            + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                    throw initException;

                try {
                    // remove the class name, so it isn't attempted to be set

                    setBeanProps(cp, pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass
                            + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                    throw initException;

                dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
                dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
            } else {
                String dsJndi = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_URL, null);

                if (dsJndi != null) {
                    boolean dsAlwaysLookup = pp.getBooleanProperty(
                    String dsJndiInitial = pp.getStringProperty(
                    String dsJndiProvider = pp.getStringProperty(
                    String dsJndiPrincipal = pp.getStringProperty(
                    String dsJndiCredentials = pp.getStringProperty(
                    Properties props = null;
                    if (null != dsJndiInitial || null != dsJndiProvider
                            || null != dsJndiPrincipal || null != dsJndiCredentials) {
                        props = new Properties();
                        if (dsJndiInitial != null) {
                        if (dsJndiProvider != null) {
                        if (dsJndiPrincipal != null) {
                        if (dsJndiCredentials != null) {
                    JNDIConnectionProvider cp = new JNDIConnectionProvider(dsJndi,
                            props, dsAlwaysLookup);
                    dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
                    dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
                } else {
                    String dsDriver = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_DRIVER);
                    String dsURL = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_URL);
                    String dsUser = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_USER, "");
                    String dsPass = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD, "");
                    int dsCnt = pp.getIntProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_MAX_CONNECTIONS, 10);
                    String dsValidation = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_VALIDATION_QUERY);

                    if (dsDriver == null) {
                        initException = new SchedulerException(
                                "Driver not specified for DataSource: "
                                        + dsNames[i]);
                        throw initException;
                    if (dsURL == null) {
                        initException = new SchedulerException(
                                "DB URL not specified for DataSource: "
                                        + dsNames[i]);
                        throw initException;
                    try {
                        PoolingConnectionProvider cp = new PoolingConnectionProvider(
                                dsDriver, dsURL, dsUser, dsPass, dsCnt,
                        dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
                        dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
                    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                        initException = new SchedulerException(
                                "Could not initialize DataSource: " + dsNames[i],
                        throw initException;



        // Set up any SchedulerPlugins
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String[] pluginNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX);
        SchedulerPlugin[] plugins = new SchedulerPlugin[pluginNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < pluginNames.length; i++) {
            Properties pp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX + "."
                    + pluginNames[i], true);

            String plugInClass = pp.getProperty(PROP_PLUGIN_CLASS, null);

            if (plugInClass == null) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "SchedulerPlugin class not specified for plugin '"
                                + pluginNames[i] + "'",
                throw initException;
            SchedulerPlugin plugin = null;
            try {
                plugin = (SchedulerPlugin)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "SchedulerPlugin class '" + plugInClass
                                + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
            try {
                setBeanProps(plugin, pp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "JobStore SchedulerPlugin '" + plugInClass
                                + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;

            plugins[i] = plugin;

        // Set up any JobListeners
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        Class[] strArg = new Class[] { String.class };
        String[] jobListenerNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_JOB_LISTENER_PREFIX);
        JobListener[] jobListeners = new JobListener[jobListenerNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < jobListenerNames.length; i++) {
            Properties lp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_LISTENER_PREFIX + "."
                    + jobListenerNames[i], true);

            String listenerClass = lp.getProperty(PROP_LISTENER_CLASS, null);

            if (listenerClass == null) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "JobListener class not specified for listener '"
                                + jobListenerNames[i] + "'",
                throw initException;
            JobListener listener = null;
            try {
                listener = (JobListener)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "JobListener class '" + listenerClass
                                + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
            try {
                Method nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
                if(nameSetter != null) {
                    nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] {jobListenerNames[i] } );
                setBeanProps(listener, lp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "JobListener '" + listenerClass
                                + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;
            jobListeners[i] = listener;

        // Set up any TriggerListeners
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        String[] triggerListenerNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_TRIGGER_LISTENER_PREFIX);
        TriggerListener[] triggerListeners = new TriggerListener[triggerListenerNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < triggerListenerNames.length; i++) {
            Properties lp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_TRIGGER_LISTENER_PREFIX + "."
                    + triggerListenerNames[i], true);

            String listenerClass = lp.getProperty(PROP_LISTENER_CLASS, null);

            if (listenerClass == null) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "TriggerListener class not specified for listener '"
                                + triggerListenerNames[i] + "'",
                throw initException;
            TriggerListener listener = null;
            try {
                listener = (TriggerListener)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "TriggerListener class '" + listenerClass
                                + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
            try {
                Method nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
                if(nameSetter != null) {
                    nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] {triggerListenerNames[i] } );
                setBeanProps(listener, lp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException(
                        "TriggerListener '" + listenerClass
                                + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;
            triggerListeners[i] = listener;

        // Fire everything up
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        JobRunShellFactory jrsf = null; // Create correct run-shell factory...

        if (userTXLocation != null) {

        if (wrapJobInTx) {
            jrsf = new JTAJobRunShellFactory();
        } else {
            jrsf = new StdJobRunShellFactory();

        if (autoId) {
            try {
                schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;
                if (js instanceof JobStoreSupport) {
                    if(((JobStoreSupport)js).isClustered()) {
                        schedInstId = instanceIdGenerator.generateInstanceId();
                else if(js.getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("terracotta")) {
                    if(instanceIdGenerator != null)
                        schedInstId = instanceIdGenerator.generateInstanceId();
                        schedInstId = "Terracotta-Clustered Node";
            } catch (Exception e) {
                getLog().error("Couldn't generate instance Id!", e);
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Cannot run without an instance id.");

        if (js instanceof JobStoreSupport) {
            JobStoreSupport jjs = (JobStoreSupport)js;

        QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();

        if (rmiExport) {

        SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(tp, schedName, schedInstId);

        if(tp instanceof SimpleThreadPool) {
            ((SimpleThreadPool)tp).setThreadNamePrefix(schedName + "_Worker");


        // add plugins
        for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {

        schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

        qs = new QuartzScheduler(rsrcs, schedCtxt, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetry);

        // Create Scheduler ref...
        Scheduler scheduler = instantiate(rsrcs, qs);
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        return scheduler;

    protected Scheduler instantiate(QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs, QuartzScheduler qs) {
        SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();

        Scheduler scheduler = new StdScheduler(qs, schedCtxt);
        return scheduler;
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/*  452 */     if (this.initException != null) throw this.initException;
/*      */
/*  454 */     JobStore js = null;
/*  455 */     ThreadPool tp = null;
/*  456 */     QuartzScheduler qs = null;
/*  457 */     SchedulingContext schedCtxt = null;
/*  458 */     DBConnectionManager dbMgr = null;
/*  459 */     String instanceIdGeneratorClass = null;
/*  460 */     Properties tProps = null;
/*  461 */     String userTXLocation = null;
/*  462 */     boolean wrapJobInTx = false;
/*  463 */     boolean autoId = false;
/*  464 */     long idleWaitTime = -1L;
/*  465 */     long dbFailureRetry = -1L;
/*      */
/*  469 */     SchedulerRepository schedRep = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();
/*      */
/*  474 */     String schedName = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName", "QuartzScheduler");
/*      */
/*  477 */     String threadName = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.threadName", schedName + "_QuartzSchedulerThread");
/*      */
/*  480 */     String schedInstId = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId", "NON_CLUSTERED");
/*      */
/*  483 */     if (schedInstId.equals("AUTO")) {
/*  484 */       autoId = true;
/*  485 */       instanceIdGeneratorClass = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.instanceIdGenerator.class", "org.quartz.simpl.SimpleInstanceIdGenerator");
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  490 */     userTXLocation = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.userTransactionURL", userTXLocation);
/*      */
/*  492 */     if ((userTXLocation != null) && (userTXLocation.trim().length() == 0)) {
/*  493 */       userTXLocation = null;
/*      */     }
/*  495 */     String classLoadHelperClass = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.classLoadHelper.class", "org.quartz.simpl.CascadingClassLoadHelper");
/*      */
/*  498 */     wrapJobInTx = this.cfg.getBooleanProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.wrapJobExecutionInUserTransaction", wrapJobInTx);
/*      */
/*  501 */     String jobFactoryClass = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.jobFactory.class", null);
/*      */
/*  504 */     idleWaitTime = this.cfg.getLongProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.idleWaitTime", idleWaitTime);
/*      */
/*  506 */     dbFailureRetry = this.cfg.getLongProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.dbFailureRetryInterval", dbFailureRetry);
/*      */
/*  509 */     boolean rmiExport = this.cfg.getBooleanProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.export", false);
/*      */
/*  511 */     boolean rmiProxy = this.cfg.getBooleanProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.proxy", false);
/*  512 */     String rmiHost = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.registryHost", "localhost");
/*      */
/*  514 */     int rmiPort = this.cfg.getIntProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.registryPort", 1099);
/*  515 */     int rmiServerPort = this.cfg.getIntProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.serverPort", -1);
/*  516 */     String rmiCreateRegistry = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.createRegistry", "never");
/*      */
/*  520 */     Properties schedCtxtProps = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.context.key", true);
/*      */
/*  524 */     if (rmiProxy)
/*      */     {
/*  526 */       if (autoId) {
/*  527 */         schedInstId = "NON_CLUSTERED";
/*      */       }
/*  529 */       schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();
/*  530 */       schedCtxt.setInstanceId(schedInstId);
/*      */
/*  532 */       String uid = QuartzSchedulerResources.getUniqueIdentifier(schedName, schedInstId);
/*      */
/*  535 */       RemoteScheduler remoteScheduler = new RemoteScheduler(schedCtxt, uid, rmiHost, rmiPort);
/*      */
/*  538 */       schedRep.bind(remoteScheduler);
/*      */
/*  540 */       return remoteScheduler;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  544 */     ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = null;
/*      */     try {
/*  546 */       loadHelper = (ClassLoadHelper)loadClass(classLoadHelperClass).newInstance();
/*      */     }
/*      */     catch (Exception e) {
/*  549 */       throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate class load helper class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  553 */     loadHelper.initialize();
/*      */
/*  555 */     JobFactory jobFactory = null;
/*  556 */     if (jobFactoryClass != null) {
/*      */       try {
/*  558 */         jobFactory = (JobFactory)loadHelper.loadClass(jobFactoryClass).newInstance();
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  561 */         throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate JobFactory class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*  566 */       tProps = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.scheduler.jobFactory", true);
/*      */       try {
/*  568 */         setBeanProps(jobFactory, tProps);
/*      */       } catch (Exception e) {
/*  570 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobFactory class '" + jobFactoryClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  572 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  574 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  578 */     InstanceIdGenerator instanceIdGenerator = null;
/*  579 */     if (instanceIdGeneratorClass != null) {
/*      */       try {
/*  581 */         instanceIdGenerator = (InstanceIdGenerator)loadHelper.loadClass(instanceIdGeneratorClass).newInstance();
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  584 */         throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate InstanceIdGenerator class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  593 */     String tpClass = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.threadPool.class", null);
/*      */
/*  595 */     if (tpClass == null) {
/*  596 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class not specified. ", 50);
/*      */
/*  599 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*      */     try
/*      */     {
/*  603 */       tp = (ThreadPool)loadHelper.loadClass(tpClass).newInstance();
/*      */     } catch (Exception e) {
/*  605 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '" + tpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  607 */       this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  609 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*  611 */     tProps = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.threadPool", true);
/*      */     try {
/*  613 */       setBeanProps(tp, tProps);
/*      */     } catch (Exception e) {
/*  615 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '" + tpClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  617 */       this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  619 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  625 */     String jsClass = this.cfg.getStringProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.class", RAMJobStore.class.getName());
/*      */
/*  628 */     if (jsClass == null) {
/*  629 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class not specified. ", 50);
/*      */
/*  632 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*      */     try
/*      */     {
/*  636 */       js = (JobStore)loadHelper.loadClass(jsClass).newInstance();
/*      */     } catch (Exception e) {
/*  638 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  640 */       this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  642 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*  644 */     tProps = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.jobStore", true);
/*      */     try {
/*  646 */       setBeanProps(js, tProps);
/*      */     } catch (Exception e) {
/*  648 */       this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  650 */       this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  652 */       throw this.initException;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  655 */     if ((js instanceof JobStoreSupport)) {
/*  656 */       ((JobStoreSupport)js).setInstanceId(schedInstId);
/*      */
/*  658 */       ((JobStoreSupport)js).setInstanceName(schedName);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  665 */     String[] dsNames = this.cfg.getPropertyGroups("org.quartz.dataSource");
/*  666 */     for (int i = 0; i < dsNames.length; i++) {
/*  667 */       PropertiesParser pp = new PropertiesParser(this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.dataSource." + dsNames[i], true));
/*      */
/*  670 */       String cpClass = pp.getStringProperty("connectionProvider.class", null);
/*      */
/*  673 */       if (cpClass != null) {
/*  674 */         ConnectionProvider cp = null;
/*      */         try {
/*  676 */           cp = (ConnectionProvider)loadHelper.loadClass(cpClass).newInstance();
/*      */         } catch (Exception e) {
/*  678 */           this.initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  680 */           this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  682 */           throw this.initException;
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*      */         try
/*      */         {
/*  687 */           pp.getUnderlyingProperties().remove("connectionProvider.class");
/*      */
/*  690 */           setBeanProps(cp, pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
/*      */         } catch (Exception e) {
/*  692 */           this.initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  694 */           this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  696 */           throw this.initException;
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*  699 */         dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
/*  700 */         dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else {
/*  703 */         String dsDriver = pp.getStringProperty("driver", null);
/*      */
/*  705 */         String dsURL = pp.getStringProperty("URL", null);
/*  706 */         boolean dsAlwaysLookup = pp.getBooleanProperty("jndiAlwaysLookup", false);
/*      */
/*  708 */         String dsUser = pp.getStringProperty("user", "");
/*  709 */         String dsPass = pp.getStringProperty("password", "");
/*  710 */         int dsCnt = pp.getIntProperty("maxConnections", 10);
/*  711 */         String dsJndi = pp.getStringProperty("jndiURL", null);
/*      */
/*  713 */         String dsJndiInitial = pp.getStringProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", null);
/*      */
/*  715 */         String dsJndiProvider = pp.getStringProperty("java.naming.provider.url", null);
/*      */
/*  717 */         String dsJndiPrincipal = pp.getStringProperty("", null);
/*      */
/*  719 */         String dsJndiCredentials = pp.getStringProperty("", null);
/*      */
/*  721 */         String dsValidation = pp.getStringProperty("validationQuery", null);
/*      */
/*  724 */         if (dsJndi != null) {
/*  725 */           Properties props = null;
/*  726 */           if ((null != dsJndiInitial) || (null != dsJndiProvider) || (null != dsJndiPrincipal) || (null != dsJndiCredentials))
/*      */           {
/*  728 */             props = new Properties();
/*  729 */             if (dsJndiInitial != null) {
/*  730 */               props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", dsJndiInitial);
/*      */             }
/*  732 */             if (dsJndiProvider != null) {
/*  733 */               props.put("java.naming.provider.url", dsJndiProvider);
/*      */             }
/*  735 */             if (dsJndiPrincipal != null) {
/*  736 */               props.put("", dsJndiPrincipal);
/*      */             }
/*  738 */             if (dsJndiCredentials != null) {
/*  739 */               props.put("", dsJndiCredentials);
/*      */             }
/*      */           }
/*  742 */           JNDIConnectionProvider cp = new JNDIConnectionProvider(dsJndi, props, dsAlwaysLookup);
/*      */
/*  744 */           dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
/*  745 */           dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
/*      */         } else {
/*  747 */           if (dsDriver == null) {
/*  748 */             this.initException = new SchedulerException("Driver not specified for DataSource: " + dsNames[i]);
/*      */
/*  751 */             throw this.initException;
/*      */           }
/*  753 */           if (dsURL == null) {
/*  754 */             this.initException = new SchedulerException("DB URL not specified for DataSource: " + dsNames[i]);
/*      */
/*  757 */             throw this.initException;
/*      */           }
/*      */           try {
/*  760 */             PoolingConnectionProvider cp = new PoolingConnectionProvider(dsDriver, dsURL, dsUser, dsPass, dsCnt, dsValidation);
/*      */
/*  763 */             dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
/*  764 */             dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
/*      */           } catch (SQLException sqle) {
/*  766 */             this.initException = new SchedulerException("Could not initialize DataSource: " + dsNames[i], sqle);
/*      */
/*  769 */             throw this.initException;
/*      */           }
/*      */
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  780 */     String[] pluginNames = this.cfg.getPropertyGroups("org.quartz.plugin");
/*  781 */     SchedulerPlugin[] plugins = new SchedulerPlugin[pluginNames.length];
/*  782 */     for (int i = 0; i < pluginNames.length; i++) {
/*  783 */       Properties pp = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.plugin." + pluginNames[i], true);
/*      */
/*  786 */       String plugInClass = pp.getProperty("class", null);
/*      */
/*  788 */       if (plugInClass == null) {
/*  789 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("SchedulerPlugin class not specified for plugin '" + pluginNames[i] + "'", 50);
/*      */
/*  793 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  795 */       SchedulerPlugin plugin = null;
/*      */       try {
/*  797 */         plugin = (SchedulerPlugin)loadHelper.loadClass(plugInClass).newInstance();
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  800 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("SchedulerPlugin class '" + plugInClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  803 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  805 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*      */       try {
/*  808 */         setBeanProps(plugin, pp);
/*      */       } catch (Exception e) {
/*  810 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore SchedulerPlugin '" + plugInClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  813 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  815 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  817 */       plugins[i] = plugin;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  823 */     Class[] strArg = { String.class };
/*  824 */     String[] jobListenerNames = this.cfg.getPropertyGroups("org.quartz.jobListener");
/*  825 */     JobListener[] jobListeners = new JobListener[jobListenerNames.length];
/*  826 */     for (int i = 0; i < jobListenerNames.length; i++) {
/*  827 */       Properties lp = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.jobListener." + jobListenerNames[i], true);
/*      */
/*  830 */       String listenerClass = lp.getProperty("class", null);
/*      */
/*  832 */       if (listenerClass == null) {
/*  833 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener class not specified for listener '" + jobListenerNames[i] + "'", 50);
/*      */
/*  837 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  839 */       JobListener listener = null;
/*      */       try {
/*  841 */         listener = (JobListener)loadHelper.loadClass(listenerClass).newInstance();
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  844 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener class '" + listenerClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  847 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  849 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*      */       try {
/*  852 */         Method nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
/*  853 */         if (nameSetter != null)
/*  854 */           nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] { jobListenerNames[i] });
/*  855 */         setBeanProps(listener, lp);
/*      */       } catch (Exception e) {
/*  857 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener '" + listenerClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  860 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  862 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  864 */       jobListeners[i] = listener;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  870 */     String[] triggerListenerNames = this.cfg.getPropertyGroups("org.quartz.triggerListener");
/*  871 */     TriggerListener[] triggerListeners = new TriggerListener[triggerListenerNames.length];
/*  872 */     for (int i = 0; i < triggerListenerNames.length; i++) {
/*  873 */       Properties lp = this.cfg.getPropertyGroup("org.quartz.triggerListener." + triggerListenerNames[i], true);
/*      */
/*  876 */       String listenerClass = lp.getProperty("class", null);
/*      */
/*  878 */       if (listenerClass == null) {
/*  879 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener class not specified for listener '" + triggerListenerNames[i] + "'", 50);
/*      */
/*  883 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  885 */       TriggerListener listener = null;
/*      */       try {
/*  887 */         listener = (TriggerListener)loadHelper.loadClass(listenerClass).newInstance();
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  890 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener class '" + listenerClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
/*      */
/*  893 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  895 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*      */       try {
/*  898 */         Method nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
/*  899 */         if (nameSetter != null)
/*  900 */           nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] { triggerListenerNames[i] });
/*  901 */         setBeanProps(listener, lp);
/*      */       } catch (Exception e) {
/*  903 */         this.initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener '" + listenerClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
/*      */
/*  906 */         this.initException.setErrorCode(50);
/*      */
/*  908 */         throw this.initException;
/*      */       }
/*  910 */       triggerListeners[i] = listener;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  917 */     JobRunShellFactory jrsf = null;
/*  918 */     UserTransactionHelper userTxHelper = null;
/*      */
/*  920 */     if (wrapJobInTx) {
/*  921 */       userTxHelper = new UserTransactionHelper(userTXLocation);
/*      */     }
/*  923 */     if (wrapJobInTx) jrsf = new JTAJobRunShellFactory(userTxHelper);
/*      */     else {
/*  925 */       jrsf = new StdJobRunShellFactory();
/*      */     }
/*  927 */     if (autoId) {
/*      */       try {
/*  929 */         schedInstId = "NON_CLUSTERED";
/*  930 */         if (((js instanceof JobStoreSupport)) &&
/*  931 */           (((JobStoreSupport)js).isClustered()))
/*      */         {
/*  933 */           schedInstId = instanceIdGenerator.generateInstanceId();
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e) {
/*  937 */         getLog().error("Couldn't generate instance Id!", e);
/*  938 */         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run without an instance id.");
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  943 */     if ((js instanceof JobStoreSupport)) {
/*  944 */       JobStoreSupport jjs = (JobStoreSupport)js;
/*  945 */       jjs.setInstanceId(schedInstId);
/*  946 */       jjs.setDbRetryInterval(dbFailureRetry);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  949 */     QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();
/*  950 */     rsrcs.setName(schedName);
/*  951 */     rsrcs.setThreadName(threadName);
/*  952 */     rsrcs.setInstanceId(schedInstId);
/*  953 */     rsrcs.setJobRunShellFactory(jrsf);
/*      */
/*  955 */     if (rmiExport) {
/*  956 */       rsrcs.setRMIRegistryHost(rmiHost);
/*  957 */       rsrcs.setRMIRegistryPort(rmiPort);
/*  958 */       rsrcs.setRMIServerPort(rmiServerPort);
/*  959 */       rsrcs.setRMICreateRegistryStrategy(rmiCreateRegistry);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  962 */     rsrcs.setThreadPool(tp);
/*  963 */     if ((tp instanceof SimpleThreadPool))
/*  964 */       ((SimpleThreadPool)tp).setThreadNamePrefix(schedName + "_Worker");
/*  965 */     tp.initialize();
/*      */
/*  967 */     rsrcs.setJobStore(js);
/*      */
/*  969 */     schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();
/*  970 */     schedCtxt.setInstanceId(rsrcs.getInstanceId());
/*      */
/*  972 */     qs = new QuartzScheduler(rsrcs, schedCtxt, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetry);
/*      */
/*  979 */     Scheduler scheduler = instantiate(rsrcs, qs);
/*      */
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/*      */
/* 1027 */     return scheduler;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   protected Scheduler instantiate(QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs, QuartzScheduler qs) {
/* 1031 */     SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();
/* 1032 */     schedCtxt.setInstanceId(rsrcs.getInstanceId());
/*      */
/* 1034 */     Scheduler scheduler = new StdScheduler(qs, schedCtxt);
/* 1035 */     return scheduler;
/*      */   }
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/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, String rmiHost, int rmiPort)
/*     */     throws SchedulerException
/*     */   {
/* 216 */     SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();
/* 217 */     schedCtxt.setInstanceId(schedulerInstanceId);
/*     */
/* 219 */     String uid = QuartzSchedulerResources.getUniqueIdentifier(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId);
/*     */
/* 222 */     RemoteScheduler remoteScheduler = new RemoteScheduler(schedCtxt, uid, rmiHost, rmiPort);
/*     */
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/*     */   public void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval)
/*     */     throws SchedulerException
/*     */   {
/* 302 */     JobRunShellFactory jrsf = new StdJobRunShellFactory();
/*     */
/* 306 */     SchedulingContext schedCtxt = new SchedulingContext();
/* 307 */     schedCtxt.setInstanceId(schedulerInstanceId);
/*     */
/* 309 */     QuartzSchedulerResources qrs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();
/*     */
/* 311 */     qrs.setName(schedulerName);
/* 312 */     qrs.setInstanceId(schedulerInstanceId);
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Related Classes of org.quartz.core.SchedulingContext

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